
/ue zhay nee"/, n.
Comtesse de Teba /de te"bah/, (Marie Eugénie de Montijo de Guzmán), 1826-1920, wife of Napoleon III, born in Spain: Empress of France 1853-71.

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orig. Eugénia María de Montijo de Guzmán

born May 5, 1826, Granada, Spain
died July 11, 1920, Madrid

Wife of Napoleon III and empress of France (1853–70).

Daughter of a Spanish noble, she married Napoleon III in 1853 and came to have an important influence on her husband's foreign policy. As a devoted Roman Catholic, she favored a strong papacy and supported Ultramontane causes. She also encouraged French opposition to a Prussian candidate for the Spanish throne in the controversy that precipitated the Franco-Prussian War. After the French defeat at Sedan, she joined her family in exile in England.

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▪ empress of France
in full  Eugénie, Comtesse (countess) de Teba , original name  Eugénia María de Montijo de Guzmán 
born May 5, 1826, Granada, Spain
died July 11, 1920, Madrid
 wife of Napoleon III and empress of France (1853–70), who came to have an important influence on her husband's foreign policy.

      The daughter of a Spanish noble who fought on the French side during Napoleon I's Peninsular War in Spain, Eugénie went to Paris when Louis-Napoléon became president of the Second Republic in December 1848. They were married in January 1853 after he had become the emperor Napoleon III.

      On March 16, 1856, Eugénie gave birth to an imperial heir, Napoléon-Eugène-Louis Bonaparte. Concerned about the future of her family line, she began to take an active role in political affairs. On at least three occasions she served as regent (1859, 1865, 1870) in her husband's absence and was certainly more than just a figurehead. A devoted Roman Catholic, she supported Ultramontane causes (favouring a strong papacy) and opposed her husband's Italian policies that resulted in a loss of temporal power for the pope. She is often credited with having a preponderant voice in the decision to create a French-sponsored kingdom of Mexico (1861).

      Eugénie, especially sensitive because of her origins, supported French opposition to a Prussian candidate for the vacant Spanish throne, in the controversy that precipitated the Franco-German War of 1870. After the Battle of Sedan (Sept. 1, 1870) she joined her family in exile in England and, after the death of her husband (1873), continued to play a dominant role in Bonapartist political activities. When her son died (1879), she assumed the role of the grande dame in exile.

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