
/ee'oh hip"euhs/, n.
the earliest known horse, a member of the extinct genus Hyracotherium (Eohippus), from the early Eocene Epoch of the Northern Hemisphere; a terrier-sized herbivore having four hoofed toes on each forefoot and three on each hind foot, and low-crowned teeth. Also called dawn horse, hyracotherium.
[1875-80; < NL, equiv. to eo- EO- + Gk híppos horse]

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Former name of a genus of ancestral horses, commonly called dawn horses, that flourished in North America during the Early Eocene Epoch (54.849 million years ago).

It is now classified with European species in the genus Hyracotherium. Eohippus stood 12 ft (3060 cm) high at the shoulders and was adapted to running, with hind legs longer than the forelegs. The body was lightly constructed, with slender legs and elongated feet that were functionally three-toed (though the front feet had four toes). The skull varied from shortened (primitive) to relatively long (more horselike).

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      genus of ancestral horse. See dawn horse.

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