- entrance
/en"treuhns/, n.1. an act of entering, as into a place or upon new duties.2. a point or place of entering; an opening or passage for entering, as a doorway.3. the right, privilege, or permission to enter; admission: People improperly dressed will be refused entrance to the theater.4. Theat. the moment or place in the script at which an actor comes on the stage.5. Music.a. the point in a musical score at which a particular voice or instrument joins the ensemble.b. the way in which this is done: a sloppy entrance.6. a manner, means, or style of entering a room, group, etc.; way of coming into view: She mimicked Joan's entrance.[1425-75; late ME entraunce < MF entrance. See ENTER, -ANCE]Syn. 1, 2. entry, ingress. 3. ENTRANCE, ADMITTANCE, ADMISSION refer to the possibility of entering a place or a group. ENTRANCE may refer to either possibility: Entrance is by way of the side door; entrance into a card game. ADMITTANCE refers more to place and suggests entrance that may be permitted or denied: to gain admittance to a building; no admittance. ADMISSION refers more to special groups and suggests entrance by payment, by formal or special permission, privilege, and the like: admission to a concert, a game, to candidacy, the bar, to society.entrance2—entrancement, n.1. to fill with delight or wonder; enrapture.2. to put into a trance: to be hypnotically entranced.[1585-95; EN-1 + TRANCE1]
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Universalium. 2010.