
Cro·to·ne (krə-tōʹnē, krō-tōʹnĕ) Formerly Cro·to·na (krə-tōʹnə).
A city of southern Italy on the Ionian Sea northeast of Reggio di Calabria. It was founded c. 708 B.C. as a colony of Magna Graecia and reached the height of its power after 510 B.C. Population: 58,281.

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      port town, Calabria regione, southern Italy. It lies along the Gulf of Taranto, northwest of the Cape of Colonne, and east-northeast of Catanzaro. It was known as Cotrone from the Middle Ages until the Italian form of its early name was restored in 1928.

      The town was founded by Achaean Greeks led by Myscellus about 710 BC. Like Sybaris, it soon became a city of power and wealth. Croton was especially celebrated for its successes in the Olympic Games from 588 BC onward, Milo of Croton being the most famous of its athletes. The philosopher Pythagoras established himself there about 530 BC and formed a society of 300 disciples who were sympathetic toward aristocratic government. In 510 BC Croton was strong enough for its people to defeat the Sybarites and raze their city to the ground. At this time many smaller cities were allied to Croton. Shortly after the sack of Sybaris the disciples of Pythagoras were driven out, and a democracy was established in Croton. In the 4th and 3rd centuries BC it suffered successively from the attacks of Dionysius I of Syracuse, who became its master for 12 years, of the Bruttii, of Agathocles of Syracuse, and even more from the two invasions of Pyrrhus, king of Epirus, in 280278 and 275. In 277, between the periods of occupation by Pyrrhus, the Romans obtained possession of the city. Livy states that the city's walls had a length of 12 miles (19 km) but that after the wars with Pyrrhus about half the area between them had ceased to be inhabited. During the Second Punic War, Croton temporarily revolted from Rome after the Battle of Cannae in 216 BC.

      The importance of the city in ancient times was due to its harbour, which, though not a good one, was the only port between Tarentum (Taranto) and Rhegium (Reggio di Calabria). The original settlement occupied the hill above the harbour and later became the acropolis. Croton was the seat of a famous medical school mentioned by Herodotus. On the Lacinian promontory was a famous temple of Hera Lacinia, of which only one column is standing. Additional remains were uncovered in excavations that began in 1955.

      The town was included in the Kingdom of Naples until it was united with Italy in 1860. Modern Crotone is an agricultural centre and also has the most important industrial establishment in Calabria, including chemical plants and a zinc-smelting works. There are hydroelectric plants and sulfur mines nearby. Pop. (2006 est.) mun., 60,586.

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