
/sib"euh ris/, n.
an ancient Greek city in S Italy: noted for its wealth and luxury; destroyed 510 B.C.

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Ancient Greek city, southern Italy, on the Gulf of Tarentum.

Founded с 720 BC by Achaeans and known for its wealth and luxury (hence, the English word sybarite), it was one of the oldest cities of Magna Graecia. Twice razed by the Crotoniates (510 BC and с 448 BC), it attempted rebuilding and relocating but never regained its importance.

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ancient city, Italy
      ancient Greek city in southern Italy situated on the Gulf of Tarentum, near present Corigliano, Italy, known for its wealth and the luxury of its inhabitants, which contributed to the modern meaning ofsybaritic.” Founded c. 720 BC by Achaeans and Troezenians in a fertile area, the city prospered quickly. Twice razed by the Crotoniates (510 and c. 448 BC), Sybaris was rebuilt a third time with Athenian help. Expelled by the other citizens, who renamed the city Thurii, the Sybarites founded a fourth Sybaris farther south on the Traeis (Trionto) River; its ruins were uncovered by excavations in 1949.

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