
/duy'neuh mom"i teuhr/, n.
1. a device for measuring mechanical force, as a balance.
2. a device for measuring mechanical power, esp. one that measures the output or driving torque of a rotating machine.
[1800-10; DYNAMO- + -METER]

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measurement instrument
      device for measuring mechanical force, or power, transmitted by a rotating shaft. Since power is the product of torque (turning force) and angular speed, all power-measuring dynamometers are essentially torque-measuring devices; the shaft speed is measured separately.

      Among force-measuring devices are a flexible metallic ring that bends when a force is applied in such a manner as to tend to collapse itthe amount of bending being a measure of the applied forceand a hydraulicload cellthat measures compressive loads in terms of fluid pressure.

      Power-measuring dynamometers may be transmission dynamometers or absorption dynamometers. The former utilize devices that measure torque, in terms of the elastic twist of the shaft or of a special torquemeter inserted between sections of the shaft. The torque is produced by the useful load that the prime mover, motor, or machine is carrying.

 Absorption dynamometers, on the other hand, produce the torque that they measure by creating a constant restraint to the turning of a shaft by either mechanical friction, fluid friction, or electromagnetic induction. A Prony brake (see figure—>) develops mechanical friction on the periphery of a rotating pulley by means of brake blocks that are squeezed against the wheel by tightening the bolts until the friction torque FR balances the torque WL. A water brake creates a resistance by circulating water between a rotating impeller and a stationary shell while an electric dynamometer generates and absorbs direct-current electricity or eddy currents. In each case, the element that exerts the restraining influence is freely cradled so that its tendency to rotate with the rotating body can be arrested and the arresting force measured at a known distance from the axis of rotation. The torque is the product of the spring load or weight and the distance from the axis of rotation.

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