
/dom"euh noh'/, n.
Antoine ("Fats"), born 1928, U.S. rhythm-and-blues pianist, singer, and composer.

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also known as  sevens,  play and pay , and  card parliament 

      simple gambling card game playable by two to eight players. The full deck of 52 cards is dealt out singly, so some hands may contain one more card than others. All players ante an agreed amount to a betting pool. In some circles anyone dealt one card fewer than others must ante an extra chip. Each player in turn, starting at the dealer's left, must play one card to the layout if legally able or otherwise must add one counter to the pool. The first player must play a 7. The next must play either the 8 or the 6 of the same suit to one long side of it or another 7 above or below it. Thereafter, each must play a card of the same suit and in unbroken sequence with one already on the table or another 7 if any are left. Sequences build up to the king in one direction and down to the ace in the other. The first player out of cards wins the pool, to which the others must add one chip for each unplayed card.

David Parlett

Additional Reading
Reliable sources for rules include Joli Quentin Kansil (ed.), Bicycle Official Rules of Card Games (2002); David Parlett, The AZ of Card Games, 2nd ed. (2004; 1st ed. published as Oxford Dictionary of Card Games, 1992); and Barry Rigal, Card Games for Dummies, 2nd ed. (2005).

      small, flat, rectangular block used as gaming object. Dominoes are made of rigid material such as wood, bone, or plastic and are variously referred to as bones, pieces, men, stones, or cards.

      Like playing cards, of which they are a variant, dominoes bear identifying marks on one side and are blank or identically patterned on the other side. The identity-bearing face of each piece is divided, by a line or ridge, into two squares, each of which is marked with an arrangement of spots, orpips,” like those used on a die, except that some squares are blank (indicated in the listing below by a zero). The usual Western set consists of 28 pieces, marked respectively 6-6 (“double six”), 6-5, 6-4, 6-3, 6-2, 6-1, 6-0, 5-5, 5-4, 5-3, 5-2, 5-1, 5-0, 4-4, 4-3, 4-2, 4-1, 4-0, 3-3, 3-2, 3-1, 3-0, 2-2, 2-1, 2-0, 1-1, 1-0, 0-0. Larger sets running up to 9-9 (58 pieces) and even 12-12 (91 pieces) are sometimes used. The Inuit of North America play a domino-like game using sets consisting of as many as 148 pieces.

      Dominoes originated in China, where dominoes or playing cardsthe same word is used for both, and they are physically identicalare mentioned as early as the 10th century. The historical relationship with Western dominoes is as yet unclear. Chinese dominoes apparently were designed to represent all possible throws with two dice, for Chinese dominoes (calleddotted cards”) have no blank faces and are traditionally used only for trick-taking games. Thus, whereas a Western 5-3 is a 5 at one end and a 3 at the other, a Chinese 5-3 is 5 and 3 all over, just as in cards the 5 of clubs is a 5 and a club all over. For this reason Chinese domino games are more comparable to Western card games.

      Western dominoes are first recorded in the mid-18th century in Italy and France and were apparently introduced into England by French prisoners toward the end of the 18th century. They are most commonly used for playing positional games. In positional games each player in turn places a domino edge to edge against another in such a way that the adjacent faces are either identical (e.g., 5 to 5) or form some specified total.

      The most basic Western games are the block-and-draw games for two to four players. The dominoes are shuffled facedown on the table. Players draw for the lead, which is won by theheaviestpiece (the one with the highest total pip count); each player then draws at random the number of pieces required for the game, usually seven. The pieces left behind are called the stock or, in the United States, the boneyard. The leader plays first, generally playing the highest domino (because, at the end of the game, the player with the fewest pips wins). By some rules a player, after playing a double, may play another bone that matches it; e.g., if a double 6 is played, another bone that has a 6 at one end may be played. The second player has to match the leader's bone by putting a bone in juxtaposition to it at one end. Doublets are placed crosswise. A player who cannot match says, “Go,” and then the next person plays, except in the (more popular) draw game, where the player who cannot match draws from the stock until finding a bone that matches. A player who succeeds in playing all his bones wins the hand, scoring as many points as there are pips on the bones still held by the opponents. If no player can match, the winner is the player with the fewest pips left in hand; the winner scores as many points as the excess held by the others. Game may be set at 50 or 100 points.

      There are many variations to the game, including matador, where the goal is not to match an adjacent domino but to play a number that totals seven when added to an end, and muggins, where the goal is to make the sum of the open-end pips on the layout a multiple of five.

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