
dogedom, n.dogeship, n.
/dohj/, n.
the chief magistrate in the former republics of Venice and Genoa.
[1540-50; < Upper It (Venetian) < L ducem, acc. of dux leader; cf. DUCE, DUKE, DUX]

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(Venetian Italian: "duke") Highest official of the republic of Venice in the 8th18th century.

The office originated when the city was nominally subject to the Byzantine empire and became permanent in the 8th century. The doge was chosen from among the ruling families of Venice and held office for life. He held extensive power, as evidenced by the rule of Enrico Dandolo (r. 11921205), though from the 12th century the aristocracy placed limits on the doge's authority. Under Francesco Foscari (r.142357), Venice undertook the first conquests of the Italian mainland. The last doge was deposed when Napoleon conquered northern Italy in 1797.

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Venetian official
      (Venetian Italian:duke”), highest official of the republic of Venice for more than 1,000 years (from the 8th to the 18th century) and symbol of the sovereignty of the Venetian state. The title was also used relatively briefly in Genoa.

      In Venice the office of doge (from Latin dux,leader”) originated when the city was nominally subject to the Byzantine Empire and became permanent in the mid-8th century. According to tradition, the first doge was Paolo Lucio Anafesto, elected in 697.

      From the 8th to the 12th century the doge's power was extensive, but all attempts to make the office hereditary failed. From the 12th century the aristocracy placed strict limits on the doge. Newly developed constitutional bodies took over many of the functions of government, and the doge on taking office had to swear an oath that restricted his freedom of action. During the same period, the main characteristics of the office were fixed: the doge was chosen from among the ruling families of Venice and held office for life. By the 15th century the office had assumed the character of prince subject to law. The last doge, Ludovico Manin, was deposed when Napoleon conquered northern Italy in 1797.

      Among the most famous doges, capable of exerting considerable political influence because of personal ability, were Enrico Dandolo (Dandolo, Enrico) (doge, 11921205), who promoted the Fourth Crusade, and Francesco Foscari (Foscari, Francesco) (doge, 142357), under whom Venice first undertook conquests on the Italian mainland.

      The name doge was also given to the principal civil official of Genoa, the office being modeled on that of Venice and instituted in 1339 to help end disorders among factions in the city. From 1384 to 1515 the popular elements of Genoa controlled the office of doge except for brief periods of foreign domination. In 1528 the office was reinstituted but restricted to aristocrats who held it for a term of two years. This office, like that of Venice, ended with French control of the peninsula.

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