- do
/dooh/; unstressed /doo, deuh/, v. and auxiliary v., pres. sing. 1st pers. do, 2nd do or (Archaic) doest or dost, 3rd does or (Archaic) doeth or doth, pres. pl. do; past sing. 1st pers. did, 2nd did or (Archaic) didst, 3rd did, past pl. did; past part. done; pres. part. doing; n., pl. dos, do's.v.t.2. to execute (a piece or amount of work): to do a hauling job.3. to accomplish; finish; complete: He has already done his homework.4. to put forth; exert: Do your best.7. to deal with, fix, clean, arrange, move, etc., (anything) as the case may require: to do the dishes.8. to travel; traverse: We did 30 miles today.9. to serve; suffice for: This will do us for the present.10. to condone or approve, as by custom or practice: That sort of thing simply isn't done.11. to travel at the rate of (a specified speed): He was doing 80 when they arrested him.12. to make or prepare: I'll do the salad.13. to serve (a term of time) in prison, or, sometimes, in office.14. to create, form, or bring into being: She does wonderful oil portraits.15. to translate into or change the form or language of: MGM did the book into a movie.16. to study or work at or in the field of: I have to do my math tonight.17. to explore or travel through as a sightseer: They did Greece in three weeks.18. (used with a pronoun, as it or that, or with a general noun, as thing, that refers to a previously mentioned action): You were supposed to write thank-you letters; do it before tomorrow, please.19. Informal. to wear out; exhaust; tire: That last set of tennis did me.20. Informal. to cheat, trick, or take advantage of: That crooked dealer did him for $500 at poker.v.i.23. to act or conduct oneself; be in action; behave.24. Slang. to rob; steal from: The law got him for doing a lot of banks.25. to proceed: to do wisely.26. to get along; fare; manage: to do without an automobile.27. to be in health, as specified: Mother and child are doing fine.28. to serve or be satisfactory, as for the purpose; be enough; suffice: Will this do?29. to finish or be finished.31. (used as a substitute to avoid repetition of a verb or full verb expression): I think as you do.32. (used in interrogative, negative, and inverted constructions): Do you like music? I don't care. Seldom do we witness such catastrophes.33. Archaic. (used in imperatives with you or thou expressed; and occasionally as a metric filler in verse): Do thou hasten to the king's side. The wind did blow, the rain did fall.34. (used to lend emphasis to a principal verb): Do visit us!36. do away with,a. to put an end to; abolish.b. to kill.37. do by, to deal with; treat: He had always done well by his family.38. do for,a. to cause the defeat, ruin, or death of.b. Chiefly Brit. to cook and keep house for; manage or provide for.a. to kill, esp. to murder.b. to injure gravely or exhaust; wear out; ruin: The tropical climate did them in.c. to cheat or swindle: He was done in by an unscrupulous broker.43. do or die, to make a supreme effort.44. do out of, Informal. to swindle; cheat: A furniture store did me out of several hundred dollars.45. do over, to redecorate.46. do time, Informal. to serve a term in prison: It's hard to get a decent job once you've done time.a. to wrap and tie up.c. to renovate; launder; clean.d. to wear out; tire.e. to fasten: Do up your coat.f. to dress: The children were all done up in funny costumes.49. do with, to gain advantage or benefit from; make use of: I could do with more leisure time.50. do without,a. to forgo; dispense with.b. to dispense with the thing mentioned: The store doesn't have any, so you'll have to do without.52. make do, to get along with what is at hand, despite its inadequacy: I can't afford a new coat so I have to make do with this one.n.53. Informal. a burst of frenzied activity; action; commotion.54. Informal. a hairdo or hair styling.55. Brit. Slang. a swindle; hoax.56. Chiefly Brit. a festive social gathering; party.57. dos and don'ts, customs, rules, or regulations: The dos and don'ts of polite manners are easy to learn.[bef. 900; ME, OE don; c. D doen, G tun; akin to L -dere to put, facere to make, do, Gk tithénai to set, put, Skt dadhati (he) puts]Syn. 1, 25. act. 3. DO, ACCOMPLISH, ACHIEVE mean to bring some action to a conclusion. DO is the general word: He did a great deal of hard work. ACCOMPLISH and ACHIEVE both connote successful completion of an undertaking. ACCOMPLISH emphasizes attaining a desired goal through effort, skill, and perseverance: to accomplish what one has hoped for. ACHIEVE emphasizes accomplishing something important, excellent, or great: to achieve a major breakthrough.do21. the syllable used for the first tone or keynote of a diatonic scale.[1745-55; < It, inverted var. of ut; see GAMUT]
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(as used in expressions)Edson Arantes do Nascimentoallow to doMaria do Carmo Miranda da CunhaShugen do* * *
Universalium. 2010.