
/di nahr"/, n.
1. any of various former coins of the Near East, esp. gold coins issued by Islamic governments.
2. a money of account of Iran, the 100th part of a rial.
3. an aluminum coin and monetary unit of Yugoslavia, equal to 100 paras. Abbr.: Din.
4. a paper money, silver or nickel coin, and monetary unit of Iraq, equal to 1000 fils or 20 dirhams. Abbr.: ID.
5. a paper money and monetary unit of Jordan, equal to 1000 fils. Abbr.: JD.
6. a paper money and monetary unit of Kuwait, equal to 10 dirhams or 1000 fils. Abbr.: KD.
7. a paper money and monetary unit of Tunisia, equal to 10 dirhams or 1000 millimes.
8. a paper money, cupronickel coin, and monetary unit of Algeria, equal to 100 centimes. Abbr.: DA.
9. a paper money and monetary unit of Bahrain, equal to 1000 fils. Abbr.: BD.
10. a paper money and monetary unit of Libya, equal to 1000 dirham: replaced the pound in 1971. Abbr.: LD.
11. a paper money and monetary unit of the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen, equal to 1000 fils. Abbr.: YD.
[1625-35; < Ar, Pers dinar < LGk denárion < L denarius a ten-as coin; see DENARY]

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      monetary unit used in several Middle Eastern countries, including Algeria, Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, and Tunisia. It was first introduced as anIslamic coinagein the late 7th century CE by Abd al-Malikʿ, the fifth caliph (685705) of the Umayyad Dynasty. The dinar dates from Roman times, when it was known as denarius.

      Among the countries in which the dinar is used, Iraq was the first to gain independence as a modern state. The Iraqi dinar is divided into 20 dirhams and is the equivalent of 1,000 fils. The Central Bank of Iraq has the sole authority to issue banknotes and coins (coin) in Iraq. Banknotes are issued in denominations ranging from 50 to 25,000 dinars (although the 50-dinar note is not in circulation in some Kurdish (Kurd) regions). inflationlargely the result of wars and international economic sanctions in the 1980s and '90sdepressed the purchasing power of the currency, rendering coins virtually obsolete after 1990. However, in 2004, after the start of the Iraq War, new 25- and 100-dinar coins were introduced. The fronts and backs of both banknotes and coins contain images, symbols, and text of Arab and Islamic (Islām) historical significance, including the spiral minaret in Sāmarrāʾ and the Dokan Dam on the Little Zab River.

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