
/duy me"treuh don'/, n.
an extinct carnivorous mammallike reptile, of the genus Dimetrodon, dominant in North America during the Permian Period, up to 10 ft. (3.1 m) long and usually bearing spinal sails.
[ < NL (1878), equiv. to Gk dímetr(os) having two measures (see DIMETER) + odón tooth; appar. so named in reference to the large size of the anterior incisors relative to the other teeth]

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 extinct relative of primitive mammals that lived from about 286 million to 270 million years ago during the Early Permian Period, fossils of which are found in North America.

      Dimetrodon was a carnivore that grew to a length of more than 3.5 metres (11.5 feet) and had a largesailon its back that may have functioned in temperature regulation. The sail was presumably formed by elongated vertebral spines connected by a membrane containing many blood vessels. The skull of Dimetrodon was high and narrow, and the region in front of the eyes was long. Its many teeth were differentiated into several sizes.

      A similar sail is found on the related but herbivorous Edaphosaurus, a herbivore with a smaller head and more modest teeth. Given the physiological importance of thermoregulation, there arises the question of why all the various members of Dimetrodon and Edaphosaurus's taxonomic group, Pelycosauria, did not have sails. Pelycosaurs were not dinosaurs (dinosaur) and in fact were not even reptiles (reptile). Although pelycosaurs became extinct by the end of the Permian, it is probable that therapsids (therapsid), a group that would eventually include the mammals, were descended from pelycosaurs similar to Dimetrodon.

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