
/dik"euhr/, n., pl. dhikrs, dhikr. Islam.
1. a meeting of dervishes at which a phrase containing a name of God is chanted rhythmically to induce a state of ecstasy.
2. each set of passages from the Koran so chanted, with its accompanying ritual.
Also, zikr.
[ < Ar: recitation]

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also spelled  Zikr 

      (Arabic:reminding oneself,” ormention”), ritual prayer or litany practiced by Muslim mystics (Ṣūfīs) for the purpose of glorifying God and achieving spiritual perfection. Based on the Qurʾānic injunctionsRemind thyself [udhkur] of thy Lord when thou forgettest” (18:24) andO ye who believe! Remember [udhkurū] Allāh with much remembrance” (33:41), the dhikr is essentially arememberingof God by the frequent repetition of his names. Originally a simple recitation of the Qurʾān and various religious writings among ascetics and mystics, the dhikr gradually became a formula (e.g., ilāha illa ʾllāh,there is no god but God”; Allāhu akbar,God is greatest”; al-ḥamdu līʾllāh,praise be to God”; astaghfiru ʾllāh,I ask God's forgiveness”), repeated aloud or softly, accompanied by prescribed posture and breathing. As the Ṣūfī brotherhoods (ṭarīqahs) were established, each adopted a particular dhikr, to be recited in solitude (e.g., following each of the five obligatory daily prayers) or as a community. The dhikr, like fikr (meditation), is a method the Ṣūfī may use in his striving to achieve oneness with God.

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