- deuce
/doohs, dyoohs/, n.
1. Cards. a card having two pips; a two, or two-spot.
2. Dice.
a. the face of a die having two pips.
b. a cast or point of two.
3. Tennis. a situation, as a score of 40-40 in a game or 5-5 in a match, in which a player must score two successive points to win the game or two successive games to win the set.
4. Slang.
a. a two-dollar bill.
b. the sum of two dollars.
5. (
in games,
and gambling)
/doohs, dyoohs/, n.
devil; dickens (used as a mild oath): Where the deuce did they hide it?
[1645-55; appar. to be identified with DEUCE1]
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Deuce 7 — Born (2011 10 06T01:59:29) Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Nationality American Field Street Artist, Visual Artist … Wikipedia
Deuce — Deuce, derived from French, refers to the number two and is commonly used to refer to the 2 in poker and other card games. Contents 1 People 2 Entertainment 2.1 … Wikipedia
Deuce To 7 — Deuce to Seven Le Deuce to Seven ou Deuce to Seven Triple Draw est un poker fermé à 5 cartes joué en Low, c est à dire que le but du jeu est de réaliser la combinaison la plus basse possible. Il y a, soit deux tours d enchères et un tirage (Deuce … Wikipédia en Français
Deuce to 7 — Deuce to Seven Le Deuce to Seven ou Deuce to Seven Triple Draw est un poker fermé à 5 cartes joué en Low, c est à dire que le but du jeu est de réaliser la combinaison la plus basse possible. Il y a, soit deux tours d enchères et un tirage (Deuce … Wikipédia en Français
Deuce — steht für: Einstand im Tennis ein Theaterstück von Terence McNally, siehe Deuce (Schauspiel) den Wrestler James Reiher junior DEUCE, das Produktionsmodell der Automatic Computing Engine (ACE) dem ersten britischen Computer eine Bezeichnung für… … Deutsch Wikipedia
deuce — Ⅰ. deuce [1] ► NOUN 1) chiefly N. Amer. the number two on dice or playing cards. 2) Tennis the score of 40 all in a game, at which two consecutive points are needed to win the game. ORIGIN Old French deus, from Latin duos two . Ⅱ. deuce … English terms dictionary
Deuce — (d[=u]s), n. [F. deux two, OF. deus, fr. L. duo. See {Two}.] 1. (Gaming) Two; a card or a die with two spots; as, the deuce of hearts. [1913 Webster] 2. (Tennis) A condition of the score beginning whenever each side has won three strokes in the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Deuce — 〈[dju:s] m.; ; unz.; Sp.; bes. Tennis〉 Einstand (2) [engl., eigtl. „Zwei (im Kartenspiel)“ <afrz. deus <lat. duos „zwei“] * * * Deuce [djuːs, englisch], Tennis: Einstand. * * * Deuce [dju:s], das; [engl. deuce < frz. deux < afrz.… … Universal-Lexikon
deuce — s.n. (Sport) Situaţie la tenis în care un jucător trebuie să câştige două puncte consecutive spre a câştiga jocul, respectiv setul. [pron. dius. / < engl. deuce]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 19.02.2005. Sursa: DN DEUCE DIUS/ s. n. (tenis)… … Dicționar Român
deuce — [dju:s US du:s] n [Date: 1400 1500; : Old French; Origin: deus two , from Latin duos] 1.) [U] the situation in tennis when both players have 40 points, after which one of the players must win two more points to win the game 2.) AmE a playing card … Dictionary of contemporary English
Deuce — Deuce, n. [Cf. LL. dusius, Armor, dus, te[^u]z, phantom, specter; Gael. taibhs, taibhse, apparition, ghost; or fr. OF. deus God, fr. L. deus (cf. {Deity}).] The devil; a demon. [A euphemism, written also {deuse}.] [Low] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English