
/di kawr"euhm, -kohr"-/, n.
1. dignified propriety of behavior, speech, dress, etc.
2. the quality or state of being decorous; orderliness; regularity.
3. Usually, decorums. an observance or requirement of polite society.
[1560-70; < L decorum, n. use of neut. of decorus DECOROUS]
Syn. 1. politeness, manners, dignity. See etiquette.

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      in literary style, the appropriate rendering of a character, action, speech, or scene. The concept of literary propriety, in its simplest stage of development, was outlined by Aristotle. In later classical criticism, the Roman poet Horace maintained that to retain its unity, a work of art must be consistent in every aspect: the subject or theme must be dealt with in the proper diction, metre, form, and tone. Farcical characters should speak in a manner befitting their social position; kings should intone with the elegance and dignity commensurate with their rank.

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