
/kwi zeen"/, n.
1. a style or quality of cooking; cookery: Italian cuisine; This restaurant has an excellent cuisine.
2. Archaic. the kitchen or culinary department of a house, hotel, etc.
[1475-85; < F: lit., kitchen < VL *cocina, for L coquina; see KITCHEN]

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 the foods and methods of preparation traditional to a region or population. The major factors shaping a cuisine are climate, which in large measure determines the native raw materials that are available to the cook; economic conditions, which regulate trade in delicacies and imported foodstuffs; and religious or sumptuary laws, under which certain foods are required or proscribed.

      Climate also affects the supply of fuel; the characteristic Chinese food preparation methods, in which food is cut into small pieces before being cooked, was shaped primarily by the need to cook food quickly to conserve scarce firewood and charcoal. Foods preserved for winter consumption by smoking, curing, and pickling have remained important in world cuisines for their altered gustatory properties even when these preserving techniques are no longer strictly necessary to the maintenance of an adequate food supply.

      World cuisine is traditionally divided into regions according to the common use of major foodstuffs, especially grains and cooking fats. In Central and South America, corn (maize), both fresh and dried, is the staple. In northern Europe, wheat, rye, and fats of animal origin predominate, while in southern Europe olive oil is ubiquitous and rice becomes important. In Italy the cuisine of the north, featuring butter and rice, stands in contrast to that of the south, with its wheat pasta and olive oil. China likewise can be divided into rice regions and noodle regions. Throughout the Middle East and Mediterranean there is a common thread marking the use of lamb, olive oil, lemons, peppers, and rice. The vegetarianism practiced in much of India has made pulses such as chickpeas and lentils as important as wheat or rice. From India to Indonesia the lavish use of spices is characteristic; coconuts and seafood are used throughout the region both as foodstuffs and as seasonings.

      The use of staple foods cuts across economic and class distinctions. Even where the contrast between the haute cuisine of the professional chef and the simple fare of home cooking is marked, food preferences constitute a unifying factor in regional culture.

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Universalium. 2010.

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