
pass-a·long also pass·a·long (păsʹə-lông', -lŏng') n.
The policy, practice, or act of paying for an increased cost by raising the price charged to one's customers or clients: “Landlords... went to court... to allow a fuel cost pass-along to tenants in rent-controlled apartments” (New York Post). Also called pass-through.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • pass along to — pass along (something) (to (someone)) to give something to someone. Reporters passed along the information as they heard it. If you don t want the book, you can pass it along to someone who does. Usage notes: also said about something given to… …   New idioms dictionary

  • pass-along — ▪ I. pass along pass along 1 noun [countable, uncountable] COMMERCE ECONOMICS the act of increasing prices because costs have increased pass through   [m0] ▪ II. pass along ˈpass aˌlong 2 …   Financial and business terms

  • pass along — v. (B) pass along the message along to the others * * * (B) pass along the message along to the others …   Combinatory dictionary

  • pass along — verb transmit information Please communicate this message to all employees pass along the good news • Syn: ↑communicate, ↑pass on, ↑pass, ↑put across • Derivationally related forms: ↑com …   Useful english dictionary

  • pass along something to someone — pass along (something) (to (someone)) to give something to someone. Reporters passed along the information as they heard it. If you don t want the book, you can pass it along to someone who does. Usage notes: also said about something given to… …   New idioms dictionary

  • pass along to someone — pass along (something) (to (someone)) to give something to someone. Reporters passed along the information as they heard it. If you don t want the book, you can pass it along to someone who does. Usage notes: also said about something given to… …   New idioms dictionary

  • pass along something to — pass along (something) (to (someone)) to give something to someone. Reporters passed along the information as they heard it. If you don t want the book, you can pass it along to someone who does. Usage notes: also said about something given to… …   New idioms dictionary

  • pass along (something) — (to (someone)) to give something to someone. Reporters passed along the information as they heard it. If you don t want the book, you can pass it along to someone who does. Usage notes: also said about something given to younger people: I wanted… …   New idioms dictionary

  • pass-along readers — ˈpass along ˌreaders noun [plural] MARKETING people who read a newspaper or magazine, but do not buy their own copy: • The magazine has a circulation of 2.5 million and many pass along readers …   Financial and business terms

  • pass-along reader — UK US noun [C] MARKETING ► someone who does not buy a newspaper or magazine themselves, but reads a copy after the buyer has finished with it: » Pass along readers, who did not actually buy the magazine themselves, account for a high proportion… …   Financial and business terms

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