International System of Units (SI)

International System of Units (SI)

International System of Units (SI)
Base units
unit abbreviation physical quantity
metre m length
second s time
kilogram kg mass
ampere A electric current
kelvin K thermodynamic temperature
candela cd luminous intensity
mole mol amount of substance
unit abbreviation number of metres approximate U.S. equivalent
kilometre km 1,000 0.62 mile
centimetre cm 0.01 0.39 inch
millimetre mm 0.001 0.039 inch
micrometre μm 0.000001 0.000039 inch
nanometre nm 0.000000001 0.000000039 inch
unit abbreviation number of square metres approximate U.S. equivalent
square kilometre sq km, or km2 1,000,000 0.3861 square mile
hectare ha 10,000 2.47 acres
are a 100 119.60 square yards
square centimetre sq cm, or cm2 0.0001 0.155 square inch
unit abbreviation number of cubic metres approximate U.S. equivalent
cubic metre m3 1 1.307 cubic yards
cubic centimetre cu cm, cm3, or cc 0.000001 0.061 cubic inch
unit abbreviation number of litres approximate U.S. equivalent
kilolitre kl 1,000 1.31 cubic yards
litre l 1 61.02 cubic inches
centilitre cl 0.01 0.61 cubic inch
millilitre ml 0.001 0.061 cubic inch
microlitre μl 0.000001 0.000061 cubic inch
Mass and weight
unit abbreviation number of grams approximate U.S. equivalent
metric ton t 1,000,000 1.102 short tons
gram g 1 0.035 ounce
centigram cg 0.01 0.154 grain
milligram mg 0.001 0.015 grain
microgram μg 0.000001 0.000015 grain
unit symbol physical quantity expressed in base units
hertz Hz frequency 1/s
newton N force, weight (m × kg)/s2
joule J work, energy, quantity of heat (m2 × kg)/s2
pascal Pa pressure, stress kg/(m × s2)
watt W power (m2 × kg)/s3
coulomb C electric charge s × A
volt V electric potential difference (m2 × kg)/(s3 × A)
farad F electric capacitance (s2 × s2 × A2)/(m2 × kg)
ohm Ω electric resistance, reactance (m2 × kg)/(s3 × A2)
siemens S electric conductance (s3 × A2)/(m2 × kg)
weber Wb magnetic flux (m2 × kg)/(s2 × A)
tesla T magnetic induction kg/(s2 × A)
henry H inductance (m2 × kg)/(s2 × A2)
lumen lm luminous flux cd × sr
lux lx illuminance (cd × sr)/m2
See as table:

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Universalium. 2010.

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