- Selected Breeds of Sheep
▪ TableSelected Breeds of SheepBlack-Faced Highland, also called Scottish Blackface carpet originally Scotland, now also U.S., Italy, Argentina black or mottled, horned stylish appearanceColumbia medium developed U.S., since 1912 large, white-faced, hornless high wool yield; mutton acceptableCorriedale medium developed N.Z., now also U.S., Australia white-faced, hornless bright, soft fleece; good quality lambsCotswold long originally England, now also U.S. large, white-faced, hornless coarse, curly fleece; acceptable muttonDorset medium developed England, now U.K., U.S., Australia medium-sized, white-faced small wool yield; out-of-season lambs; horned and hornless varietiesHampshire medium developed England, now also widespread in U.S. large, hornless, dark faces and legs superior mutton breed; limited woolKarakul fur originally Central Asia, now also Africa, Europe, U.S. medium-sized, fat-tailed coats of very young lambs called Persian lambLeicester long originally England, now U.K. and North America massive body, white-faced, broad-backed heavy fleeceLincoln long originally England, now also Australia, N.Z., North and South America world's largest sheep, hornless coarse, long wool is used chiefly for carpetsMerino fine originally Spain, now also Australia, North America, South Africa horned or hornless, heavily-wooled head excellent, fine, soft fleecesNorth Country Cheviot medium originally Scotland, now widespread white chalk; large, deep-bodied hardy; produces superior fleeceRambouillet fine developed France from 18th century, now also U.S. smooth-bodied, horned or hornless lambs mature rapidly; bred from MerinoRomney long originally England, now also N.Z., North America, Australia hornless with white face and legs mostly raised for mutton; wool used for variety of productsSouthdown medium originally England, now also N.Z., Australia, North America hornless with small, rounded body raised for mutton; fleece is shortSuffolk medium developed England, now also U.S. black face and legs, large, hornless fine mutton breed; acceptable woolSee as table:
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Universalium. 2010.