Tigellinus, Ofonius

Tigellinus, Ofonius

▪ Roman official
died AD 69

      the Roman emperor Nero's chief adviser from 62 to 68, notorious for the influence his cruelty and debauched behaviour had upon the emperor.

      A Sicilian by birth, Tigellinus lived in the family of the sisters of Caligula. In 39 he was exiled for adultery with them. When Nero became emperor, Tigellinus was appointed prefect of the vigiles (“fire brigades”) before becoming prefect of the Praetorian Guard in 62. Early sources maintain that he rose to power by encouraging Nero in his vices. He actively pressed Nero's reign of terror following the abortive conspiracy of Piso in 65 and was suspected of incendiarism in the great fire that led to the first persecution of Christians. When Sulpicius Galba raised a rebellion against Nero in 68, Tigellinus gave up his power so that he would not have to risk his life in a struggle to save Nero's regime. In 69 the emperor Otho forced Tigellinus to commit suicide.

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Universalium. 2010.

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