Moneta, Ernesto Teodoro

Moneta, Ernesto Teodoro

▪ Italian journalist
born Sept. 20, 1833, Milan, Austrian Empire [now in Italy]
died Feb. 10, 1918, Milan, Italy

      Italian journalist and international activist on behalf of peace (except where Italian interests required war). He won (with Louis Renault) the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1907.

      At the age of 15 Moneta participated in the Milanese insurrection of 1848 against Austrian rule, and in 1859–60 he fought under Giuseppe Garibaldi in the victorious war of liberation. In 1861 he joined the regular Italian army and fought in the Battle of Custoza in 1866. After resigning from the army, he became editor (1867–96) of Il Secolo, a democratic newspaper published in Milan.

      The suffering that Moneta witnessed during his military career prompted him to seek ways to abolish war, and about 1887 he founded the Società Internazionale per la Pace: Unione Lombarda (“International Society for Peace: Lombard League”) to propagandize for disarmament, a league of nations, and settlement of international disputes by arbitration. In 1898 he founded a pacifist periodical, Vita internazionale (“International Life”). In 1906 his presidency at the International Peace Conference in Milan led to his sharing the Nobel Prize for Peace. Nevertheless, in 1911 he supported Italy's war against Turkey on the grounds of an Italian civilizing mission in Libya, and in 1915 he advocated Italian entry into World War I to combat the imperialist designs of the Central Powers.

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  • Moneta, Ernesto Teodoro — (1833–1918)    Moneta, a Milanese, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1907, the only Italian to have done so. He was an ardent nationalist who fought with Giuseppe Garibaldi during the wars of liberation 1859–1860 and in the war against Austria in 1866 …   Historical Dictionary of modern Italy

  • Moneta, Ernesto Teodoro — ► (1833 1918) Periodista italiano. Fue editor de Il Secolo y defensor de la no violencia. Fue premio Nobel de la Paz en 1907, compartido con L. Renault …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Ernesto Teodoro Moneta — (né le 20 septembre 1833 à Milan et mort le 10 février 1918 dans la même ville) était un journaliste et un patriote italien, qui fut le seul Italien, à ce jour, à avoir été en 1907 lauréat du Prix Nobel de la paix …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Ernesto Teodoro Moneta — (1907) Ernesto Teodoro Moneta (* 20. September 1833 in Mailand; † 10. Februar 1918 ebenda) war ein italienischer Publizist und Politiker. Für sein Engagement in der Lombardischen Friedensliga „Unione Lombarda per la Pace e l Arbitrariato“, deren… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ernesto Teodoro Moneta — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Ernesto Teodoro Moneta (n. en Milán, Italia, 20 de septiembre de 1833 m. 10 de febrero de 1918); militante pacifista italiano, distinguido con el premio Nobel de la Paz en 1907. Ernesto Teodoro Moneta …   Wikipedia Español

  • Ernesto Teodoro Moneta — (Milan September 20, 1833 ndash; February 10, 1918) was an Italian journalist who fought in the Expedition of the Thousand and subsequently became an international peace activist, despite his strong Italian nationalism. He won (with Louis… …   Wikipedia

  • Ernesto Teodoro Moneta — (Milán, Italia, 20 de septiembre de 1833 10 de febrero de 1918). militante pacifista italiano, distinguido con el premio Nobel de la Paz en 1907. Quizás no está lejos el día en el que todos los pueblos, olvidando los antiguos odios, se reunan… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Moneta — Moneta, Ernesto Teodoro …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Ernesto Moneta — Ernesto Teodoro Moneta Ernesto Teodoro Moneta Ernesto Teodoro Moneta (né le 20 septembre 1833 à Milan et mort le 10 février 1918 dans la même ville) était un journaliste et un patriote italien, qui fut le seul Italien, à ce… …   Wikipédia en Français

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