Las Alpujarras

Las Alpujarras

      mountainous district spanning Granada and Almería provincias (provinces), in the Andalusia comunidad autónoma (autonomous community), southern Spain, stretching northward from the towns of Motril and Almería to the foothills of the Sierra Nevada and forming a trough between the latter and the coastal mountains. Deep fertile and secluded valleys have been cut by the Guadalfeo (west) and Andarax (east) rivers and by smaller streams. Many villages are located on ledges overhanging gorges, and it is to these villages that the name Alpujarras is sometimes more exclusively applied.

      Given to the vanquished Moorish leader Muḥammad XI (Boabdil) and his followers after the Catholic conquest of Granada in 1492, the district became a hotbed of Moorish rebellions. The inhabitants of Moorish descent (Moriscos) were evacuated in 1570 (and expelled from Spain) and were replaced by colonists from Extremadura and Galicia.

      The district has a range of vegetation unparalleled in Europe—from sugarcane and palm on the coast through belts of citrus, vine, olive, chestnut, and oak to alpine flora at higher elevations. Wild and poverty-stricken, the region was first cultivated for fruit and vegetables. Construction of modern roads is stimulating development, and the exploitation of iron, lead, and mercury is increasing. Pig farming and the production of ham for export are important to the economy. Emigration to other regions of Spain has left the district with an aging population. Chief cities include Órjiva and Ugíjar; Lanjarón is a notable mineral spa.

Vicente Rodriguez

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Universalium. 2010.

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