
cuplike, adj.
/kup/, n., v., cupped, cupping.
1. a small, open container made of china, glass, metal, etc., usually having a handle and used chiefly as a receptable from which to drink tea, soup, etc.
2. the bowllike part of a goblet or the like.
3. a cup with its contents.
4. the quantity contained in a cup.
5. a unit of capacity, equal to 8 fluid ounces (237 milliliters) or 16 tablespoons; half-pint.
6. an ornamental bowl, vase, etc., esp. of precious metal, offered as a prize for a contest.
7. any of various beverages, as a mixture of wine and various ingredients: claret cup.
8. the chalice used in the Eucharist.
9. the wine of the Eucharist.
10. something to be partaken of or endured; one's portion, as of joy or suffering.
11. cups, the drinking of intoxicating liquors.
12. any cuplike utensil, organ, part, cavity, etc.
13. either of the two forms that cover and usually support the breasts in a brassiere or other garment, as a bathing suit.
14. an athletic supporter reinforced with rigid plastic or metal for added protection.
15. Golf.
a. the metal receptacle within the hole.
b. the hole itself.
16. (cap.) Astron. the constellation Crater.
17. See cupping glass.
18. Metalworking. a cylindrical shell closed at one end, esp. one produced in the first stages of a deep-drawing operation.
19. Math. a cup-like or U-shape symbol, used to indicate the union of two sets. Cf. union (def. 10a).
20. in one's cups, intoxicated; drunk.
21. to take or place in, or as in, a cup: He cupped his ear with the palm of his hand.
22. to form into a cuplike shape: He cupped his hands.
23. to use a cupping glass on.
24. Metalworking. to form (tubing, containers, etc.) by punching hot strip or sheet metal and drawing it through a die. Cf. deep-draw.
[bef. 1000; ME, OE cuppe < L cuppa, var. of cupa tub, cask]

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(as used in expressions)
America's Cup

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      unit of volume in the British Imperial (British Imperial System) and United States Customary systems of measurement. The U.S. liquid cup is equal to 14 7/16 cubic inches, or 236.59 cubic cm; the more rarely used U.S. dry cup is equal to 1.164 liquid cups. In Great Britain a single cup is used for both types of measurement, equal to 1.201 U.S. liquid cups (284.14 cubic cm). In either system a cup contains two gills (gill), and two cups are contained in a pint.

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