
/kooh'mah nah"/, n.
a seaport in N Venezuela. 119,751.

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 city, capital of Sucre estado (state), northeastern Venezuela. It lies on the Manzanares River 1 mile (1.6 km) inland from its portPuerto Sucre, on the Caribbean Sea at the mouth of the river. Cumaná has an elevation of 52 feet (16 m) and an average temperature of 83 °F (28 °C). Founded as Nueva Toledo in 1521, Cumaná claims to be the oldest European settlement on the South American mainland. The Spanish were drawn to the rich pearl fisheries near Cumaná and the island of Cubagua. The local Guaiquerí Indians were pressed into service as skilled fishermen and divers. Despite attacks by foreign corsairs and repeated severe earthquakes, Cumaná enjoyed a profitable trade with neighbouring settlements and with Spain throughout much of the colonial period. It has become a commercial and manufacturing centre for an agricultural hinterland, where coffee, cacao, sugarcane, tobacco, beans, and a variety of fruits are cultivated. A major cotton mill is located near the city, and it has an important sardine-canning industry. The Eastern University was established in Cumaná in 1958. The city has an airport and is connected by highway with Barcelona, 55 miles (90 km) southwest. Pop. (2001) 263,000.

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Universalium. 2010.

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