
Cumaean, adj.
/kyooh"mee/, n.
an ancient city in SW Italy, on the coast of Campania: believed to be the earliest Greek colony in Italy or in Sicily.

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Ancient city west of Naples, Italy.

Probably the oldest Greek mainland colony in the West, it was home to the Cumaean Sibyl, whose cavern still exists. Founded с 750 BC by Greeks from Chalcis, it came to control much of the Campanian plain. Taken by the Samnites in the 5th century BC, it was subjugated by Rome in 338 BC. Under the empire it became a quiet country town. It was destroyed in AD 1205. Remains of fortifications and graves from all these periods have been found throughout the area.

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ancient city, Greece
      ancient city about 12 miles (19 km) west of Naples, probably the oldest Greek mainland colony in the west and home of a sibyl (Greek prophetess) whose cavern still exists. Founded about 750 BC by Greeks from Chalcis, Cumae came to control the most fertile portions of the Campanian plain. Although the Etruscans were their special enemy during the last half of the 6th century and first half of the 5th, it was the Samnites who, after destroying Etruscan supremacy about 440, overwhelmed the Greeks of Cumae in 428 or 421. Crucial aspects of the Greek culture were then eliminated, although in many respects the Greek character of the town survived. The beautiful coins of Cumae were no longer produced, and an Italic dialect, Oscan (and later Latin), replaced the Greek language. Rome subjugated Cumae in 338; under the empire it became a quiet country town, and in 1205 it was destroyed. Remains of fortifications and graves from all these periods have been found on the city's acropolis hill and elsewhere throughout the area.

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