
/tes"euh fon'/, n.
a ruined city in Iraq, on the Tigris, near Baghdad: an ancient capital of Parthia.

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Ancient city, central Mesopotamia.

Located on the Tigris River, southeast of modern Baghdad, Iraq, it was first a Greek army camp opposite the Hellenistic city of Seleucia. It was the capital of Parthia in the 2nd century BC. Destroyed by the Romans in the 1st century AD, it was resettled by the Persian Sāsānian dynasty in the 3rd century. The Arabs conquered the city in 637 but abandoned it by 763 in favour of a new city, Baghdad. The site is famous for the remains of a gigantic vaulted hall, the Ṭāq Kisrā, which has one of the largest single-span brick arches in the world.

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ancient city, Iraq
also spelled  Tusbun , or  Taysafun 

      ancient city located on the left (northeast) bank of the Tigris River about 20 miles (32 km) southeast of modern Baghdad, in east-central Iraq. It served as the winter capital of the Parthian empire and later of the Sāsānian empire. The site is famous for the remains of a gigantic vaulted hall, the Ṭāq Kisrā, which is traditionally regarded as the palace of the Sāsānian king Khosrow I (reigned AD 531579), although Shāpūr I (reigned AD 241272) also undertook work on the site. The hall has one of the largest single-span brick arches in the world.

      Classical writers claimed that Ctesiphon was founded by the Parthian king Vardanes. The first reliable mention of Ctesiphon, however, is as a Greek army camp on the east bank of the Tigris River opposite the Hellenistic city of Seleucia. Since then the course of the river has shifted, no longer flowing between the ruins of the two cities but instead dividing Ctesiphon itself. In 129 BC, when the Arsacids (Parthians) annexed Babylonia, they found Ctesiphon a convenient residence and cantonment, and under their rule Seleucia and its royal suburb of Ctesiphon came to form a twin city and a capital of the empire. A discontinuous Roman occupation of Seleucia and Ctesiphon began under the emperor Trajan in AD 116. During the Roman sack of the city complex in AD 165 by the general Avidius Cassius, the palaces of Ctesiphon were destroyed and Seleucia was depopulated. The Sāsānian monarchy, which replaced the Arsacids in AD 224, resettled Ctesiphon.

      The Arabs in AD 637 conquered the city and at first used the Ṭāq Kisrā as an improvised mosque. But by 763 Ctesiphon had been superseded by the newly founded city of Baghdad, and Ctesiphon's deserted ruins were used as a quarry for building materials.

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