
crownless, adj.
/krown/, n.
1. any of various types of headgear worn by a monarch as a symbol of sovereignty, often made of precious metal and ornamented with valuable gems.
2. a similar ornamental headgear worn by a person designated king or queen in a pageant, contest, etc.
3. an ornamental wreath or circlet for the head, conferred by the ancients as a mark of victory, athletic or military distinction, etc.
4. the distinction that comes from a great achievement.
5. the power or dominion of a sovereign.
6. (often cap.) the sovereign as head of the state, or the supreme governing power of a state under a monarchical government.
7. any crownlike emblem or design, as in a heraldic crest.
8. the top or highest part of anything, as of a hat or a mountain.
9. the top of the head: Jack fell down and broke his crown.
10. Dentistry.
a. the part of a tooth that is covered by enamel. See diag. under tooth.
b. an artificial substitute, as of gold or porcelain, for the crown of a tooth.
11. the highest point of any construction of convex section or outline, as an arch, vault, deck, or road.
12. the highest or most nearly perfect state of anything.
13. an exalting or chief attribute.
14. the acme or supreme source of honor, excellence, beauty, etc.
15. something having the form of a crown, as the corona of a flower.
16. Bot.
a. the leaves and living branches of a tree.
b. the point at which the root of a seed plant joins the stem.
c. a circle of appendages on the throat of the corolla; corona.
17. the crest, as of a bird. See diag. under bird.
18. Archit.
a. a termination of a tower consisting of a lanternlike steeple supported entirely by a number of flying buttresses.
b. any ornamental termination of a tower or turret.
19. Also called button. Horol. a knurled knob for winding a watch.
20. any of various coins bearing the figure of a crown or crowned head.
21. a former silver coin of the United Kingdom, equal to five shillings: retained in circulation equal to 25 new pence after decimalization in 1971.
22. the monetary unit of Denmark, Iceland, Norway, or Sweden: a krona or krone.
23. the koruna of Czechoslovakia.
24. a crimped metal bottle cap.
25. See crown glass.
26. Cookery. See crown roast.
27. Also called bezel, top. Jewelry. the part of a cut gem above the girdle.
28. a drill bit consisting of a metal matrix holding diamond chips.
29. Also called head. Naut. the part of an anchor at which the arms join the shank. See diag. under anchor.
30. Mach.
a. a slight convexity given to a pulley supporting a flat belt in order to center the belt.
b. a slight convexity given to the outer faces of the teeth of two gears so that they mesh toward their centers rather than at the ends.
31. a size of printing paper, 15 × 20 in. (38 × 51 cm). Cf. double crown.
32. Naut., Mach. swallow1 (def. 12).
33. Knots. a knot made by interweaving the strands at the end of a rope, often made as the beginning of a back splice or as the first stage in tying a more elaborate knot.
34. a crownpiece.
35. to invest with a regal crown, or with regal dignity and power.
36. to place a crown or garland upon the head of.
37. to honor or reward; invest with honor, dignity, etc.
38. to be at the top or highest part of.
39. to complete worthily; bring to a successful or triumphant conclusion: The award crowned his career.
40. Informal. to hit on the top of the head: She crowned her brother with a picture book.
41. to give to (a construction) an upper surface of convex section or outline.
42. to cap (a tooth) with a false crown.
43. Checkers. to change (a checker) into a king after having safely reached the last row.
44. Knots. to form a crown on (the end of a rope).
45. Med. (of a baby in childbirth) to reach a stage in delivery where the largest diameter of the fetal head is emerging from the pelvic outlet.
[1125-75; ME coroune, cr(o)une < AF coroune < L corona wreath; see CORONA]

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(as used in expressions)
Crown Prince Shotoku
crown of thorns starfish

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 from the earliest times, a distinctive head ornament that has served as a reward of prowess and a sign of honour and dominion. Athletes, poets, and successful warriors were awarded wreaths of different forms in Classical times, and the chief of a barbarian tribe customarily wore a distinctive helmet. In the earliest English coronation ritual, dating back more than 1,000 years, the king was invested with a helmet instead of a crown, and a helmet with an ornamental frame surmounts the unwarlike head of Edward the Confessor on his great seal.

      Another crown form in England and abroad followed the principle of the wreath and might consist of a string of jewels tied at the back with a ribbon or set in a rigid band of gold. When this type of chaplet was adopted by the nobility in general, the royal crown was distinguished by a number of ornaments upstanding from its rim; by the 15th century the helmet form was incorporated by the addition of one or more arches. These rose from the rim and, crossing in the centre, supported a finialusually a ball and cross but in France, from the time of Louis XIV, a fleur-de-lis.

      Many of the early European crowns were made in sections hinged together by long pins, which enabled them to be taken apart for transport or storage and, when worn, to adapt themselves to the shape and size of the wearer's head. A circlet was made for Queen Victoria on the same principle, with its sections hinged but not detachable.

      The practice of grounding the arches not on the rim of the circlet but on the tops of the surrounding ornaments began in the 17th century. This led to a change in shape and a flattening or depression in the centre that later was explained away as having a royal or imperial significance. Many crowns are to be found in continental cathedrals, museums, and royal treasuries. Some are associated with early figures of history or romance; otherse.g., the steel crown of Romaniaare comparatively modern. The only European states in which the crown is still imposed in the course of a religious ceremony of consecration are Great Britain and the Vatican.

      monetary unit of several European countries, including Sweden, Denmark, and Norwaythe first countries to adopt the crown, in the 1870s. The crown (krona) is divided into 100 öre. In Norway, the unit is known as the krone; in the Czech Republic it is called the koruna.

      In Sweden, the most populous of these countries, the Svergies Riksbank (also known as Riksbanken, the Swedish National Bank, or the Bank of Sweden) has the sole authority to issue banknotes and coins (coin), a power it has had since 1904. Coins are issued in denominations ranging from 50 öre to 10 kronor and contain images and symbols of the Swedish monarchy. Banknotes are issued in denominations from 20 to 1,000 kronor. The obverse of the bills picture Swedish cultural and historical figures. For example, the famed soprano Jenny Lind (Lind, Jenny) is on the 50-krona note, and naturalist Carl von Linné (Carolus Linnaeus (Linnaeus, Carolus)) is on the 100-krona bill. The reverse sides are adorned with images of the Swedish landscape, of literary passages, or of musical instruments (musical instrument).

      Before the crown was adopted, Sweden had several monetary units, including the riksdaler, which the crown replaced. Sweden's currency system was decimalized in 1855. The crown was introduced as Sweden's monetary unit in1873, when the country became part of the Scandinavian Monetary Union (SMU) and the coins of Denmark and Norway became legal tender within Sweden. The Swedish-Norwegian union was renegotiated in 1905, and Sweden abandoned the SMU in 1931. Although Sweden is a member of the European Union (EU), it has chosen not to adopt the euro, the EU's single currency.

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