
/kraws"boh', kros"-/, n.
a medieval weapon consisting of a bow fixed transversely on a stock having a trigger mechanism to release the bowstring, and often incorporating or accompanied by a mechanism for bending the bow.
[1400-50; late ME crossbowe. See CROSS, BOW2]

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Leading missile weapon of the Middle Ages, consisting of a short bow fixed transversely on a stock, with a groove to guide the missile and a trigger to release it.

The missile, known as a bolt, was usually an arrow or dart. First used in antiquity, it was an important advance in warfare. Its destructive power came from its metal bow, which could propel a bolt with enough velocity to pierce chain mail and gave it a range of up to 1,000 ft (300 m). Powerful and versatile, it remained in use even after the introduction of the longbow and firearms and was not discarded until the 15th century. It has been used in modern times to hunt big game.

Stirrup crossbow, French, 14th century

By courtesy of the West Point Museum Collections, United States Military Academy

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 leading missile weapon of the Middle Ages, consisting of a short bow fixed transversely on a stock, originally of wood; it had a groove to guide the missile, usually called a bolt, a sear to hold the string in the cocked position, and a trigger to release it. The crossbow, or arbalest, was an important technical achievement that enjoyed the further distinction of being outlawed (at least for use against Christians) by the Lateran Council of 1139. Its origins are obscure, but its earliest appearance in Europe was in the technologically advanced Italian cities of the 10th and 11th centuries. The destructive power that made it so feared derived from the substitution of metal (wrought iron or mild steel) for wood in its construction. The metal bow, relatively short, was bent by one of two methods. In the earlier version the bowman placed the weapon on the ground, bow down and stock, or cross, upright. Setting his foot in a stirrup in the lower part of the stock, he bent over, caught the bowstring in a hook suspended from his belt, straightened up, and brought the string into the locking device in the groove of the stock. In the second version the stirrup was still used, but a hand crank or winch drew back the string. A small lever triggered the release of the short bolt, or quarrel, which was capable of piercing chain mail and had a range of up to 300 metres (1,000 feet).

      Despite the introduction of the English (or Welsh) longbow, with its quicker rate of fire, the crossbow continued its reign as the supreme hand missile weapon until, and even for a long time after, the introduction of firearms. The crossbow's great advantage was that no particular strength was needed to wield it effectively. In addition to its power, it owed its long success to its versatility (it could be fired from a reclining position or from behind a parapet) and its less bulky ammunition. The slower rate of fire (compared with the longbow) may also have been an advantage in some situations. Not until the late 15th century did it definitely give way to the harquebus. The crossbow's merits have been demonstrated in modern times by sportsmen who have used it to hunt large game, although some jurisdictions forbid its use. See also bow and arrow; archery.

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