- courteous
/kerr"tee euhs/, adj.having or showing good manners; polite.[1225-75; COURT + -EOUS; r. ME co(u)rteis < AF; see COURT, -ESE]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Courteous — Cour te*ous (k?r t? ?s; 277), a. [OE. cortais, corteis, cortois, rarely corteous, OF. corties, corteis, F. courtois. See {Court}.] Of courtlike manners; pertaining to, or expressive of, courtesy; characterized by courtesy; civil; obliging; well… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
courteous — mid 14c., earlier curteis (c.1300), from O.Fr. curteis (Mod.Fr. courtois) having courtly bearing or manners, from curt court + eis, from L. ensis. Rare before c.1500. In feudal society, also denoting a man of good education (hence the name… … Etymology dictionary
courteous — index civil (polite), obeisant Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
courteous — polite, *civil, courtly, gallant, chivalrous Analogous words: *gracious, affable, cordial: *suave, urbane, politic, diplomatic: considerate, *thoughtful, attentive: obliging, complaisant (see AMIABLE) Antonyms: discourteous Contrasted words: * … New Dictionary of Synonyms
courteous — courteous, courtesy are pronounced with initial kert … Modern English usage
courteous — [adj] gentle, mannerly affable, attentive, ceremonious, civil, civilized, complaisant, considerate, courtly, cultivated, debonair, elegant, gallant, genteel, gracious, polished, polite, refined, respectful, soft spoken, suave, thoughtful, urbane … New thesaurus
courteous — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ polite, respectful, and considerate. DERIVATIVES courteously adverb courteousness noun. ORIGIN Old French corteis having manners fit for a royal court … English terms dictionary
courteous — [kʉrt′ē əs] adj. [ME courteis < OFr corteis < court: see COURT & EOUS] polite and gracious; considerate toward others; well mannered SYN. CIVIL courteously adv. courteousness n … English World dictionary
courteous — adj. 1) courteous to, towards (she is courteous to everyone) 2) courteous to + inf. (it was courteous of him to do that) * * * [ kɜːtɪəs] towards (she is courteous to everyone) courteous to courteous to + inf. (it was courteous of him to do that) … Combinatory dictionary
courteous — [[t]kɜ͟ː(r)tiəs[/t]] ADJ GRADED Someone who is courteous is polite and respectful to other people. He was a kind and courteous man... My friend s reply was courteous but firm. Syn: polite Ant: rude Derived words: courteously ADV GRADED … English dictionary
courteous — adj. VERBS ▪ be, seem ADVERB ▪ extremely, fairly, very, etc. ▪ unfailingly … Collocations dictionary