
/kun"tree/, n., pl. countries, adj.
1. a state or nation: What European countries have you visited?
2. the territory of a nation.
3. the people of a district, state, or nation: The whole country backed the president in his decision.
4. the land of one's birth or citizenship.
5. rural districts, including farmland, parkland, and other sparsely populated areas, as opposed to cities or towns: Many city dwellers like to spend their vacations in the country.
6. any considerable territory demarcated by topographical conditions, by a distinctive population, etc.: mountainous country; the Amish country of Pennsylvania.
7. a tract of land considered apart from any geographical or political limits; region; district.
8. the public.
9. Law. the public at large, as represented by a jury.
10. See country music.
11. go to the country, Brit. to dissolve a Parliament that has cast a majority vote disagreeing with the prime minister and cabinet and to call for the election of a new House of Commons. Also, appeal to the country.
12. put oneself upon the or one's country, Law. to present one's cause formally before a jury.
13. of, from, or characteristic of the country; rural: a winding country road.
14. of, pertaining to, or associated with country music: That Nashville station plays country records all day long.
15. rude; unpolished; rustic: country manners.
16. of, from, or pertaining to a particular country.
17. Obs. of one's own country.
[1200-50; ME cuntree < AF, OF < VL *(regio) contrata terrain opposite the viewer, equiv. to L contr(a) COUNTER3 + -ata, fem. of -atus -ATE1; cf. G Gegend region, deriv. of gegen AGAINST]

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(as used in expressions)
cross country running
cross country skiing

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  • country — [ kuntri ] n. f. ou m. inv. • country music 1972; mot angl. « campagne » ♦ Anglic. Musique américaine populaire dérivée du folklore blanc du sud ouest des États Unis. ⇒ folk. Adj. inv. Des guitaristes country. ● country nom masculin ou féminin et …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Country — Coun try, a. 1. Pertaining to the regions remote from a city; rural; rustic; as, a country life; a country town; the country party, as opposed to city. [1913 Webster] 2. Destitute of refinement; rude; unpolished; rustic; not urbane; as, country… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • country — [kun′trē] n. pl. countries [ME contre < OFr contrée < VL * (regio) contrata, region lying opposite < L contra: see CONTRA ] 1. an area of land; region [wooded country] 2. the whole land or territory of a nation or state 3. the people of… …   English World dictionary

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