Costa Brava

Costa Brava
/kos"teuh brah"veuh, kaw"steuh, koh"-/; Sp. /kaws"tah brddah"vah/
a coastal region in NE Spain, extending NE along the Mediterranean from Barcelona to France.

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      coastal region of the comunidad autónoma (autonomous community) of Catalonia, northeastern Spain, extending for about 75 miles (120 km) along the Mediterranean Sea from the French border at Port-Bou to the Spanish beach resort of Blanes and thus coinciding with the coast of Girona province. This part of the Spanish coast was almost unknown to tourists until the 1920s, when the rugged grandeur of its rocky shores, deeply indented by small sandy bays bathed in warm seas, and its temperate climate began to win recognition. Picturesque villages, now busy resorts, include Lloret de Mar, San Felíu de Guixols, Palamós, and Port-Bou. Tourism and construction are the main economic activities. Agriculturally, it is the most important cork-growing region, supplying the wine producers of the world.

Vicente Rodriguez

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Universalium. 2010.

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