- cornet
/kawr net"/ for 1; /kawr"nit, kawr net"/ for 2-8, n.1. Music. a valved wind instrument of the trumpet family.2. a small cone of paper twisted at the end and used for holding candy, nuts, etc.3. a pastry cone, usually filled with whipped cream.4. Brit. a conical wafer, as for ice cream; cone.5. a large, white, winged headdress formerly worn by the members of the Sisters of Charity.6. a woman's headdress, often cone-shaped, usually of delicate fabrics and having lappets of lace or other material, worn by women from the 14th to the 18th century.7. a pennant or flag used for signaling in a navy.
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Valved brass instrument.It evolved in the 1820s from the posthorn. Like the trumpet, it has three valves, but its bore is somewhat more conical. It is a transposing instrument (its music written a tone above the actual sound), usually built in the key of B-flat, though a higher-pitched E-flat instrument is used as well. Its range parallels that of the trumpet. Its agility made it a very popular solo instrument; it often displaced the trumpet in 19th-century orchestras, and it preceded the trumpet in modern dance and jazz bands. Recent developments have made the two instruments very similar, and the cornet's popularity has waned considerably as a result.* * *
valved brass musical instrument (brass instrument) that evolved in the 1820s from the continental post horn (cornet-de-poste, which is circular in shape like a small French horn). One of the first makers was the Parisian Jean Asté, known as Halary, in 1828. The tube is conical except through the three valves, tapering gently to a narrow, detachable shank into which the brass mouthpiece is placed. The taper, coupled with the fairly deep, funnel-shaped mouthpiece, imparts a mellowness to the tone and a flexibility to the technique that quickly established the cornet in a leading position in brass and military bands, especially in the United States and England. It is built in the key of B♭, its music written a tone above the actual sound. The range extends from the E below middle C to the second B♭ above it. Brass bands also employ a higher pitched E♭ soprano cornet. Some older B♭ cornets built for use in theatres can be changed to the key of A by turning a rotary valve.The cornet became a popular solo instrument. Many of the earliest virtuosos were horn players and employed different crooks (crook) (detachable pieces of tubing) for different tonalities (keys) or moods, the longer crooks both extending the basic pitch down to E♭ and giving a darker tone quality. Celebrated English soloists in the 19th century included Hermann Koenig and Isaac Levy. Until the 20th-century trumpet revival ousted the cornet from the orchestra, it frequently was used for trumpet parts as well as for genuine cornet parts, which became common in French orchestration from the time of Hector Berlioz (Berlioz, Hector) (1803–69). The cornet preceded the trumpet in modern dance and jazz bands—the master in the latter being Louis Armstrong (Armstrong, Louis)—but the increasing use of the trumpet has diminished the cornet's popularity as a solo instrument except in brass bands.A number of other instruments were developed from the cornet, drawing on its characteristics and those of the valved bugle, or flügelhorn. They include the althorn (or tenor horn) and the baritone. The names of both these instruments are applied also to other brass instruments of similar range and used differently from country to country.* * *
Universalium. 2010.