
/kooh"lee/, n. Offensive.
1. an unskilled laborer, esp. formerly in China and India.
2. an unskilled laborer employed cheaply, esp. one brought from Asia.
3. Informal. characteristic of or suitable for a coolie: working for coolie wages.
Also, cooly.
[1545-55; < Urdu kuli < Tamil kuli hire, hireling]

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Asian labourer
      (from Hindi Kuli, an aboriginal tribal name, or from Tamil kuli,wages”), in usually pejorative European usage, an unskilled labourer or porter usually in or from the Far East hired for low or subsistence wages.

      The so-called coolie trade began in the late 1840s as a response to the labour shortage brought on by the worldwide movement to abolish slavery. The majority of these contract labourers were shipped from China, especially from the southern ports of Amoy and Macao, to developing European colonial areas, such as Hawaii, Ceylon, Malaya, and the Caribbean.

      Most coolies became so by voluntary negotiation, though kidnapping, decoy, and fraud were occasionally involved. Western merchants conducted the trade. Conditions in the depots (barracoons), where the labourers were stored awaiting shipment, and on the vessels in which they sailed were cramped and inhumane, resulting in much sickness, misery, and death. Neither the Western governments nor the Chinese government made more than a haphazard attempt to correct the abuses; the Chinese government had issued a ban on all emigration, but officials did nothing to enforce it.

      By the late 19th century, free immigration began to supersede the coolie trade. The Chinese, Japanese, and Hindustani workers who came to Australia and California after the discovery of gold in these areas around 1850 were commonly regarded as coolies, but they were technically free immigrants, not contract labourers.

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