
consistorial /kon'si stawr"ee euhl, -stohr"-/, consistorian, adj.
/keuhn sis"teuh ree/, n., pl. consistories.
1. any of various ecclesiastical councils or tribunals.
2. the place where such a council or tribunal meets.
3. the meeting of any such body.
4. Rom. Cath. Ch. a solemn assembly of the whole body of cardinals, summoned and presided over by the pope.
5. Anglican Ch. a diocesan court for dealing with ecclesiastical and spiritual questions, held in the cathedral church and presided over by the bishop, the bishop's chancellor, or the commissary.
6. (in certain Reformed churches) the governing board of a local church or congregation.
7. any assembly or council.
8. Obs. a council chamber.
[1275-1325; ME consistorie < AF < LL consistorium meeting place, equiv. to L consist(ere) (see CONSIST) + -(t)orium -TORY2]

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      (from Latin consistorium,assembly place”), a gathering of ecclesiastical persons for the purpose of administering justice or transacting business, particularly meetings of the Sacred College of Cardinals with the pope as president. From the 11th century, when the institution of the cardinalate became more important, the Sacred College of Cardinals, assembled in regular meetings called consistories, became the normal counsellors of the popes. In the course of time more complicated business came to be assigned to various commissions of cardinals, and with the formal organization of the congregations, or offices, of the Roman Curia by Sixtus V (158590), the active function of the consistories diminished. In modern times consistories are largely ceremonial. The limited matters they deal with have already been arranged by the pope himself or by the Consistorial Congregation, and the request for the opinion of the cardinals is a formality. Thus, consistoriesof which there are three kinds (secret, semipublic, and public)—have become a form of solemn promulgation of certain special papal acts, such as creating cardinals, conferring the hat on newly created cardinals, making appointments to dioceses, accepting resignations, and issuing annual policy summaries on the state of the church.

      In the Church of England (England, Church of) the consistory court is the bishop's court for administering church law in his diocese. In some Presbyterian churches (Reformed and Presbyterian churches) the consistory court is the lowest court, consisting of the minister and elders of the congregation.

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