Conservative Judaism

Conservative Judaism
Judaism as observed by Conservative Jews.

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Form of Judaism that mediates between Reform Judaism and Orthodox Judaism.

Founded in 19th-century Germany as the Historical School, it arose among German-Jewish theologians who advocated change but found Reform positions extreme. They accepted the Reform emphasis on critical scholarship, but wished to maintain a stricter observance of Jewish law (e.g., dietary laws) and continued belief in the coming of the messiah. In 1886, rabbis of this centrist persuasion founded the Jewish Theological Seminary of America (New York), leading to the development of Conservative Judaism as a religious movement.

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      religious movement that seeks to conserve essential elements of traditional Judaism but allows for the modernization of religious practices in a less radical sense than that espoused by Reform Judaism.

      Zacharias Frankel (Frankel, Zacharias) (180175), whose ideology inspired early Conservative ideas, broke with modernizing extremists after a series of Reform conferences in Germany (184446). Holding fast to the notion that the Jewish religion is inextricably bound up with Jewish culture and a national identity, he refused to abandon religious customs and traditions as nonessentials.

      Frankel felt that historical studies could bring to light those elements of the Written and Oral Law that were merely contemporary expressions of more abiding religious truths. These, then, could be reinterpreted to fit the context of modern life. Frankel's view of Judaism emphasizes the sacredness of the Law as a living force applicable to all generations.

      Following Orthodoxy, Conservatives insist on the sacredness of the Sabbath. Dietary laws are respected and observed, but with modifications when necessary. Starting in 1985, Conservative Judaism drew farther away from Orthodoxy by ordaining women rabbis. Many Conservatives, stressing Jewish nationalism as inseparable from the culture of the Jewish people, encourage the study of Hebrew and support the secular Zionist movement.

      Despite different opinions, Conservative Jews have found a common bond by maintaining continuity with the past. These differences make Conservative Judaism a theological coalition rather than a homogeneous expression of beliefs and practices. These differences also explain why it is all but impossible to enunciate a distinct theology of the movement. Conservative rituals show a like diversity, ranging from Orthodoxy to Reform.

      The Conservative movement has been especially successful in the United States and is represented by the United Synagogue of America. The Rabbinical Assembly (Rabbinical Assembly, The), Conservative Judaism's official body, is located at the Jewish Theological Seminary, in New York City, which educates future rabbis for the Conservative movement.

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