
/kon"awt/, n.
a province in the NW Republic of Ireland. 423,915; 6610 sq. mi. (17,120 sq. km). Irish, Connacht.

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▪ ancient kingdom, Ireland
also spelled  Connacht  
   one of the five ancient kingdoms or provinces of Ireland, lying in the western and northwestern areas of the island. Its eastern boundary is the middle course of the River Shannon (Shannon, River). Connaught is the poorest part of the Irish republic and comprises the modern counties of Mayo, Sligo, Leitrim, Galway, and Roscommon.

   In the 4th century AD the ancient line of Connaught kings was supposedly displaced by the midland rulers, whose centre was at Tara. Two members of this Tara dynasty, Brion and Fiachra, reputedly founded septs, or clans, the Uí Briúin and the Uí Fiachrach, to which all the rulers of Connaught from the 5th to the 12th century belonged. Turloch (Toirdelbach) O'Connor (died 1156) and his son Rory (Ruadri; died 1198) were strong enough to be recognized as kings of Ireland, but the Anglo-Norman settlement of the mid-12th century disrupted their power, and Rory became the vassal of Henry II. Rory's brother, Cathal Crovderg, was king of Connaught until his death in 1224, but in 1227 the English king Henry III granted Connaught to the Norman baron Richard de Burgh (or de Burgo). His descendants held the lordship of Connaught with the earldom of Ulster until the titles fell to the crown in 1461. The land of Connaught was thereafter controlled by two junior branches of the de Burghs, who ultimately became the Clanricarde and Mayo Burkes. Connaught was divided into shires in 1576. From the 17th century it and neighbouring County Clare were the only parts of Ireland where Roman Catholics were allowed to own most of the farmland. The result was that most of the province remained loyal to the English crown during the Tyrone uprising (1595–1603) and also remained the most Gaelic and Norman part of Ireland. Area 6,838 square miles (17,711 square km). Pop. (2002) 464,296; (2006) 504,121.

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