
conjugable /kon"jeuh geuh beuhl/, adj.conjugably, adv.conjugative, adj.conjugator, n.
v. /kon"jeuh gayt'/; adj., n. /kon"jeuh git, -gayt'/, v., conjugated, conjugating, adj., n.
1. Gram.
a. to inflect (a verb).
b. to recite or display all or some subsets of the inflected forms of (a verb), in a fixed order: One conjugates the present tense of the verb "be" as "I am, you are, he is, we are, you are, they are."
2. to join together, esp. in marriage.
3. Biol. to unite; to undergo conjugation.
4. Gram. to be characterized by conjugation: The Latin verb esse does not conjugate in the passive voice.
5. joined together, esp. in a pair or pairs; coupled.
6. Bot. (of a pinnate leaf) having only one pair of leaflets.
7. Gram. (of words) having a common derivation.
8. Bibliog. (of two leaves in a book) forming one sheet.
9. Math.
a. (of two points, lines, etc.) so related as to be interchangeable in the enunciation of certain properties.
b. (of an element) so related to a second element of a group that there exists a third element of the group that, multiplying one element on the right and the other element on the left, results in equal elements.
c. (of two complex numbers) differing only in the sign of the imaginary part.
10. Chem.
a. of or noting two or more liquids in equilibrium with one another.
b. (of an acid and a base) related by the loss or gain of a proton: NH3 is a base conjugate to NH4+. NH4+ is an acid conjugate to NH3.
c. Also, conjugated. (of an organic compound) containing two or more double bonds each separated from the other by a single bond.
11. one of a group of conjugate words.
12. Math.
a. either of two conjugate points, lines, etc.
b. Also called conjugate complex number. either of a pair of complex numbers of the type a + bi and a - bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is imaginary.
[1425-75; late ME (adj.) < L conjugatus (ptp. of conjugare to yoke together), equiv. to con- CON- + jug(um) YOKE + -atus -ATE1]

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  • Conjugate — Con ju*gate, a. [L. conjugatus, p. p. or conjugare to unite; con + jugare to join, yoke, marry, jugum yoke; akin to jungere to join. See {Join}.] 1. United in pairs; yoked together; coupled. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) In single pairs; coupled.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Conjugate — Con ju*gate, n. [L. conjugatum a combining, etymological relationship.] 1. A word agreeing in derivation with another word, and therefore generally resembling it in signification. [1913 Webster] We have learned, in logic, that conjugates are… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Conjugate — Con ju*gate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Conjugated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Conjugating}.] 1. To unite in marriage; to join. [Obs.] Sir H. Wotton. [1913 Webster] 2. (Gram.) To inflect (a verb), or give in order the forms which it assumes in its several… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Conjugate — Con ju*gate, v. i. (Biol.) To unite in a kind of sexual union, as two or more cells or individuals among the more simple plants and animals. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • conjugate — (v.) 1520s, in grammatical sense; 1560s in lit. sense, from L. conjugatus, pp. of conjugare to yoke together (see CONJUGAL (Cf. conjugal)). Earlier as an adjective (late 15c.). Related: Conjugated; conjugating …   Etymology dictionary

  • conjugate — 1. Joined or paired. SYN: conjugated. 2. C. diameters of the pelvis. The distance between any two specified points on the periphery of the pelvic canal. [L. conjugatus, joined together. See conjugata] anatomical c. [TA] measure of pelvic …   Medical dictionary

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