
/kon"deuhr, -dawr/, n.
1. either of two large, New World vultures of the family Cathartidae, Gymnogyps californianus (California condor) or Vultur gryphus (Andean condor), the largest flying birds in the Western Hemisphere: the California condor is almost extinct; the Andean condor is greatly reduced in number and rare in many areas.
2. a former coin of Chile equal to 10 pesos.
3. a former coin of Ecuador equal to 10 sucres.
[1595-1605; < Sp < AmerSp < Quechua kuntur]

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Either of two species of large New World vulture.

Two of the largest flying birds, each is about 50 in. (130 cm) long and weighs 22 lbs (10 kg). Both feed on dead animals. The Andean condor (Vultur gryphus), which ranges from the Pacific coast of South America to the high Andes, has slightly longer wings (10 ft, or 3 m) and is black with a white ruff and bare pinkish head, neck, and crop. The California condor (Gymnogyps californianus) is nearly black, with white wing linings, bare yellow head, and red neck and crop. It hovered on the brink of extinction in the 1980s, and every California condor was captured; careful nurturing has recently led to the release of dozens of condors into the wild.

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 either of two large New World vultures (vulture)—the Andean condor (Vultur gryphus) and the California condor (Gymnogyps californianus)—that are two of the largest flying birds. Wingspans of up to 3.2 metres (10.5 feet) have been reported for male Andean condors, and adult California condors typically reach 2.9 metres (9.5 feet). From beak to tail, the body of each is about 1.2 metres (4 feet) long. Male Andean Condors may weigh up to 15 kg (33 pounds), and female Andean and both sexes of California condors may reach 11 kg (24 pounds) in weight.

 The male Andean condor is a black bird with grayish white wing feathers, a white fringe of feathers around the neck, and a bare red or pinkish head, neck, and crop. Males have a large caruncle, or fleshy protuberance, on the forehead and top of the beak, and turkeylike neck wattles. The species ranges throughout the Andes Mountains of South America, frequenting open country and feeding on carcasses. In Peru and Chile it descends to the Pacific Coast, where it feeds on dead marine animals such as seals and fish. Andean condors are rare in northern South America but still relatively common in the southern part of their range. They breed every other year unless the hatchling dies, in which case the pair breeds again the following year. The young are raised on remote ledges and in caves at altitudes above 3,000 metres (10,000 feet), using no nesting material. The white egg measures about 12 cm (4.5 inches) long.

 Adult California condors are mostly black, with bold white wing linings, and bare red-to-orange head, neck, and crop. Young birds have dark heads that gradually become red as they near adulthood at about six years of age. They forage in open country and feed exclusively on carrion. California condors nest in cliffs, under large rocks, or in other natural cavities, including holes in redwood trees. They generally breed every other year, laying a single unmarked greenish white egg measuring about 11 cm (4 inches) long.

      The California condor is critically endangered (endangered species). By 1982 only 20 remained in the wild, and efforts were made to establish a captive breeding flock in zoos. Owing to excessive mortality from lead poisoning and shooting, the wild population continued to decline, and in 1987 the last free-flying survivor was trapped and taken into protective captivity. The first successful captive breeding occurred in 1988, and numerous captive progeny were released to the wild beginning in 1992. These conservation efforts enabled the total California condor population to reach 289 by mid-2006, including 138 wild birds in southern and central California, northern Arizona, and northern Baja California, Mexico. In 2002 the first egg to be laid in the wild by captive-raised condors hatched, and by mid-2006 five chicks had been produced successfully in the wild.

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