
Fr. /kaw nann krddee"/, n.
a seaport in and the capital of Guinea, in NW Africa. 525,671 with suburbs.
Also, Konakri.

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Capital (regional pop., 1999 est.: 1,764,000), largest city, and chief Atlantic port of Guinea.

Located on Tombo Island and the Kaloum Peninsula, it was founded by the French in 1884. It became the capital successively of the protectorate of Rivières du Sud (1891), the colony of French Guinea (1893), and independent Guinea (1958). Tombo Island, the site of the original settlement, is linked to the peninsula by a causeway. The city was industrialized in the 1950s after iron mining and bauxite production had been developed. It is the seat of the University of Conakry (1962).

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also spelled  Konakry,  
 national capital, largest city, and chief Atlantic port, western Guinea. Conakry lies on Tombo (Tumbo) Island and the Kaloum Peninsula. Founded by the French in 1884, it derived its name from a local village inhabited by the Susu (Soussou) people. Subsequently it became capital of the protectorate of Rivières du Sud (1891), of the colony of French Guinea (1893), and of independent Guinea (1958). Tombo Island, the site of the original settlement, is linked to the peninsula by a 328-yard (300-metre) causeway; it contains Conakry's deepwater harbour (accommodating vessels of 36-foot [11-metre] draft), which exports alumina (treated bauxite), bananas, oranges, pineapples, coffee, palm produce, and fish. The port is the terminus of motor roads, a 411-mile (661-kilometre) railroad from Kankan, and a 90-mile (145-kilometre) branch line from Fria. Guinea's international airport is 9.5 miles (15 km) northeast.

      Conakry became industrialized in the 1950s with the development of iron mining on the Kaloum Peninsula and the exploitation of bauxite on the nearby Los Islands. Local enterprises include fruit canning, fish packing, printing, automobile assembly, and the manufacture of aluminum utensils and plastics. Major industrial plants, however, lie to the northeast at Sanouya (textiles), Wassawassa (tobacco and matches), Sofoniya (furniture), Kobala (bricks), Simbala (mining explosives), and Camp Alpha Yaya (shoes and clothing).

      Conakry is the nation's educational centre and the seat of the University of Conakry (1962). There are also teacher-training, vocational, nursing, midwifery, and military schools. Conakry's museum, library, and national archives were established in 1960; its botanical garden at Camayenne (a residential district) was founded by the French. Prominent structures in the city include the National Assembly building (Palais du Peuple), the sports stadium (Stade du 28-Septembre), the monument to anticolonial martyrs, the central mosque, and the Roman Catholic cathedral. There are several distinct quarters, including the Centre (commercial), Boulbinet (with its picturesque fishing harbour), and Administrative sections. Pop. (2004 est.) 1,851,800.

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Universalium. 2010.

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