
/kon/, adv.
1. against a proposition, opinion, etc.: arguments pro and con.
2. the argument, position, arguer, or voter against something. Cf. pro1.
[1575-85; short for L contra in opposition, against]
/kon/, v.t., conned, conning.
1. to learn; study; peruse or examine carefully.
2. to commit to memory.
[bef. 1000; ME cunnen, OE cunnan var. of CAN1 in sense "become acquainted with, learn to know"]
/kon/, v., conned, conning, n. Naut.
1. to direct the steering of (a ship).
2. the station of the person who cons.
3. the act of conning.
Also, conn.
[1350-1400; earlier cond, apocopated var. of ME condie, condue < MF cond(u)ire < L conducere to CONDUCT]
/kon/, adj., v., conned, conning, n. Informal.
1. involving abuse of confidence: a con trick.
2. to swindle; trick: That crook conned me out of all my savings.
3. to persuade by deception, cajolery, etc.
4. a confidence game or swindle.
5. a lie, exaggeration, or glib self-serving talk: He had a dozen different cons for getting out of paying traffic tickets.
[1895-1900, Amer.; by shortening of CONFIDENCE]
/kon/, n. Slang.
a convict.
[1715-25; by shortening]
/kon/, v.t., conned, conning. Brit. Dial.
1. to strike, hit, or rap (something or someone).
2. to hammer (a nail or peg).
3. to beat or thrash a person with the hands or a weapon.
[1890-95; perh. akin to F cognée hatchet, cogner to knock in, drive (a nail) home]

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