
compostable, adj.composter, n.
/kom"pohst/, n.
1. a mixture of various decaying organic substances, as dead leaves or manure, used for fertilizing soil.
2. a composition; compound.
3. to use in compost; make compost of: to compost manure and kitchen scraps.
4. to apply compost to (soil).
5. to make compost: Shredded leaves will compost easily.
[1350-1400; ME < AF, MF < L compositum, n. use of neut. of compositus COMPOSITE; cf. COMPOTE]

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Mass of rotted organic matter made from decomposed plant material.

It is used in agriculture and gardening generally to improve soil structure rather than as a fertilizer, because it is low in plant nutrients. When properly prepared, it is free of obnoxious odours. Composts commonly contain about 2% nitrogen, 0.51% phosphorus, and about 2% potassium. Lime and nitrogen fertilizers and manure may be added to speed decomposition. The nitrogen of compost becomes available slowly and in small amounts. Because of their low nutrient content, composts are applied in large amounts.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Compost — (  /ˈ …   Wikipedia

  • compost — [ kɔ̃pɔst ] n. m. • fin XVIIIe; mot angl., de l anglo normand compost fin XIIIe) « engrais composé » ♦ Engrais formé par le mélange fermenté de débris organiques avec des matières minérales. ⇒ humus. ● compost nom masculin (anglais compost, de l… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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