complimentary close

complimentary close
the part of a letter that by convention immediately precedes the signature, as "Very truly yours," "Cordially," or "Sincerely yours."
Also, complimentary closing. Also called closing, close.

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  • complimentary close — ˌcomplimentary ˈclose noun [countable usually singular] the usual way of ending a formal business letter. If you address the letter Dear Sir/​Madam , you end it Yours faithfully ; if you address the letter to a particular person, you end it Yours …   Financial and business terms

  • Complimentary close — Complimentary close, or Complimentary closing is the term, expression, or phrase which immediately precedes the signature on a note, letter, or correspondence, most often written. The word or words so written express the esteem or regard for the… …   Wikipedia

  • complimentary close — noun Date: 1919 the words (as sincerely yours) that conventionally come immediately before the signature of a letter and express the sender s regard for the receiver called also complimentary closing …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • complimentary close — noun or complimentary closing : the word or words that conventionally come immediately before the signature of a letter and express the sender s regard for the receiver (as very truly yours, sincerely yours, cordially) * * * noun, pl ⋯ closes… …   Useful english dictionary

  • complimentary close — com′plimen′tary close′ [[t]kloʊz[/t]] also com′plimen′tary clos′ing n. the part of a letter that by convention immediately precedes the signature, as “Very truly yours,”“Cordially,” or “Sincerely yours.” …   From formal English to slang

  • close — I adj., adv. /klous/ near 1) close to (close to tears; we live close to town; close to the truth) stingy (colloq.) 2) close with (close with one s money) secretive 3) close about (close about one s past) on intimate terms 4) close to, with (close …   Combinatory dictionary

  • close — closable, closeable /kloh zeuh beuhl/, adj. closely /klohs lee/, adv. closeness /klohs nis/, n. v. /klohz/; adj., adv. /klohs/ or, for 56, /klohz/; n. /klohz/ for 66, 67, 70 72, 74, 75, /klohs/ for 68, 69, 73, v., closed …   Universalium

  • complimentary closing — noun see complimentary close …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • complimentary closing — noun see complimentary close …   Useful english dictionary

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