
compendiously, adv.compendiousness, n.
/keuhm pen"dee euhs/, adj.
of or like a compendium; containing the substance of a subject, often an exclusive subject, in a brief form; concise: a compendious history of the world.
[1350-1400; ME < L compendiosus. See COMPENDIUM, -OUS]
Syn. summary, comprehensive, succinct, packed.

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  • Compendious — Com*pen di*ous, a. [L. compendiosus.] Containing the substance or general principles of a subject or work in a narrow compass; abridged; summarized. [1913 Webster] More compendious and expeditious ways. Woodward. [1913 Webster] Three things be… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • compendious — index brief, compact (pithy), comprehensive, concise, laconic, omnibus, pithy, succinct …   Law dictionary

  • compendious — concise, late 14c., from O.Fr. compendieux, from L. compendiosus advantageous, abridged, brief, from compendium (see COMPENDIUM (Cf. compendium)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • compendious — summary, pithy, succinct, *concise, terse, laconic Analogous words: compact, *close: condensed, contracted (see CONTRACT vb): abridged, abbreviated, shortened (see SHORTEN) Contrasted words: amplified, expanded, inflated (see EXPAND): *full,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • compendious — [adj] abridged abbreviated, breviloquent, brief, close, compact, compendiary, comprehensive, concise, condensed, contracted, curt, inclusive, laconic, short, short and sweet*, succinct, summarized, summary, synoptic; concepts 773,789 Ant.… …   New thesaurus

  • compendious — ► ADJECTIVE formal ▪ presenting the essential facts in a comprehensive but concise way. DERIVATIVES compendiously adverb. ORIGIN Latin compendiosus advantageous, brief …   English terms dictionary

  • compendious — [kəm pen′dē əs] adj. [ME < L compendiosus, short: see COMPENDIUM] containing all the essentials in a brief form; concise but comprehensive compendiously adv. compendiousness n …   English World dictionary

  • compendious — adjective Date: 14th century marked by brief expression of a comprehensive matter ; concise and comprehensive < a compendious summary >; also comprehensive < her compendious knowledge of the subject > Synonyms: see concise • compendiously …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • compendious — adjective formal a book that is compendious gives information in a short but complete form compendiously adverb …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • compendious — adjective a) containing a subset of words, succinctly described; abridged and summarized b) briefly describing a body of knowledge See Also: compendium, compendia …   Wiktionary

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