
/keuh mee"dee euhn/, n.
1. a professional entertainer who amuses by relating anecdotes, acting out comical situations, engaging in humorous repartee, etc.
2. an actor in comedy.
3. a writer of comedy.
4. any comical or amusing person.
[1575-85; < MF comediain; see COMEDY, -IAN]

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  • comedian — COMEDIÁN, Ă, comedieni, e, s.m. şi f. Actor sau actriţă de comedie; comediant. ♦ fig. Persoană care ştie să se prefacă, care adoptă atitudini teatrale în viaţa de toate zilele. [pr.: di an] – Din fr. comédien. Trimis de hai, 09.07.2004. Sursa:… …   Dicționar Român

  • comedian — In Shakespeare s Twelfth Night (1601), Olivia asks the disguised Viola, who has come to woo her on behalf of Orsino with a lover s speech ready to deliver, ‘Are you a comedian?’, meaning ‘Are you a comic actor?’. At a slightly earlier date (1581) …   Modern English usage

  • Comedian — Co*me di*an, n. [Cf. F. com[ e]dien.] 1. An actor or player in comedy. The famous comedian, Roscius. Middleton. [1913 Webster] 2. A writer of comedy. Milton. [1913 Webster] || …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • comedian — 1580s, comic poet, later (c.1600) stage actor in comedies, also, generally, actor, from M.Fr. comédien, from comédie (see COMEDY (Cf. comedy)). Meaning professional joke teller, etc. is from 1898 …   Etymology dictionary

  • comedian — [n] funny person, often professional actor, banana*, card*, clown, comic, cutup, droll, entertainer, farceur, humorist, jester, joker, jokester, laugh, merry andrew, million laughs*, quipster, stand up comic, stooge*, top banana*, wag,… …   New thesaurus

  • comedian — ► NOUN (fem. comedienne) 1) an entertainer whose act is intended to arouse laughter. 2) a comic actor …   English terms dictionary

  • comedian — [kə mē′dē ən] n. [Fr comédien: see COMEDY] 1. an actor who plays comic parts 2. an entertainer who tells jokes, sings comic songs, etc. 3. a person who amuses others by behaving in a comic way 4. Rare a writer of comedy …   English World dictionary

  • Comedian — For other uses, see Comedian (disambiguation). A comedian (sometimes comedienne, see below) or comic is a person who seeks to entertain an audience, primarily by making them laugh. This might be through jokes or amusing situations, or acting a… …   Wikipedia

  • comedian — Synonyms and related words: banana, buffoon, burlesquer, card, caricaturist, choreographer, clown, comedienne, comic, cutup, dramatist, dramatizer, dramaturge, droll, epigrammatist, farcer, farceur, farceuse, farcist, fool, funnyman, gag writer,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • comedian — UK [kəˈmiːdɪən] / US [kəˈmɪdɪən] noun [countable] Word forms comedian : singular comedian plural comedians a) someone whose job is to entertain people by telling jokes and stories to make them laugh b) someone who says or does something that you… …   English dictionary

  • Comedian — Komödiant; Humorist; Komiker * * * Co|me|di|an 〈[kɔmi:djən] m. 6〉 1. = Komiker (2) 2. 〈TV〉 jmd., der in einer Comedy(show) auftritt [engl., „Komödiant“] * * * 1Co|me|di|an [kə mi:dɪən ] …   Universal-Lexikon

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