
collielike, adj.
/kol"ee/, n.
one of a breed of dogs having a usually long, black, tan, and white or sable and white coat, raised originally in Scotland for herding sheep.
[1645-55; perh. Scots colle COAL (in reference to the original coloration of the breed) + -IE; cf. ME Colle dog's name]

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Breed of working dog developed in Great Britain, probably by the 18th century.

The rough-coated variety was originally used to guard and herd sheep; the smooth-coated variety was used to drive livestock to market. Both varieties are lithe dogs with a tapering head, almond-shaped eyes, and erect ears that tip forward at the ends. They stand 2226 in. (5666 cm) tall, weigh 5075 lb (2334 kg), and may be variously coloured. See also border collie.


Sally Anne Thompson/EB Inc.

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breed of dog
 working dog breed developed in Great Britain, probably by the 18th century. There are two varieties of collie: the rough-coated, originally used to guard and herd sheep, and the smooth-coated, used mainly to drive livestock to market. Collies are lithe dogs with tapering heads, almond-shaped eyes, and erect ears that tip forward at the ends. Both varieties are identical in form, although some authorities believe they were once distinct breeds. The rough-coated collie, a popular companion and watchdog, has a thick, straight coat that forms a heavy ruff about its neck and throat; the smooth-coated collie has a dense, smooth coat. Both varieties stand 22 to 26 inches (56 to 66 cm) and weigh 50 to 75 pounds (23 to 34 kg), and both are famed for their loyalty. They are brown and white, black with tan and white, blue-gray with black mottling and white markings, or white, usually with darker markings.

      See also bearded collie; border collie.

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