- clothes
/klohz, klohdhz/, n.pl.1. garments for the body; articles of dress; wearing apparel.2. bedclothes.[bef. 900; ME; OE clathas, pl. of CLATH CLOTH]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
clothes — W2S2 [kləuðz, kləuz US klouðz, klouz] n [plural] [: Old English; Origin: clathas, plural of clath; CLOTH] the things that people wear to cover their body or keep warm ▪ I enjoy shopping for clothes and shoes. ▪ What sort of clothes was he wearing … Dictionary of contemporary English
clothes — [ klouðz ] noun plural *** the things that you wear such as shirts, dresses, pants, etc.: a pile of dirty clothes Carmen wears the most beautiful clothes. put on clothes: I m going to put on some clean clothes. take off clothes: Why don t you… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
clothes — clothes, clothing, dress, attire, apparel, raiment are comparable when they denote a person s garments considered collectively. Clothes and clothing are general words which do not necessarily suggest a wearer or personal owner but sometimes a… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Clothes — (kl[=o][th]z or kl[=o]z; 277), n. pl. [From {Cloth}.] 1. Covering for the human body; dress; vestments; vesture; a general term for whatever covering is worn, or is made to be worn, for decency or comfort. [1913 Webster] She . . . speaks well,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
clothes — clothes; clothes·horse; clothes·pin; clothes·pole; clothes·press; plain·clothes·man; … English syllables
clothes — O.E. claðas cloths, clothes, originally pl. of clað cloth (see CLOTH (Cf. cloth)), which, in 19c. after the sense of article of clothing had faded from it, acquired a new plural form, cloths, to distinguish it from this word … Etymology dictionary
clothes — [klōthz, klōz] pl.n. [ME < OE clathas, clothes, pl. of clath, CLOTH] 1. articles, usually of cloth, designed to cover, protect, or adorn the body; garments; attire 2. Now Rare BEDCLOTHES … English World dictionary
clothes — / clothing [n] personal attire accouterment, apparel, array, caparison, civvies*, costume, covering, drag*, drapery, dress, duds*, ensemble, equipment, finery, frippery, frock, full feather*, garb, garments, gear, get up*, habiliment, habit, hand … New thesaurus
clothes — ► PLURAL NOUN ▪ items worn to cover the body. ORIGIN Old English … English terms dictionary
clothes — noun (plural) the things that people wear to cover their body or keep warm: I need some new clothes. | work/school clothes (=clothes suitable for work or school) USAGE NOTE: CLOTHES WORD CHOICE: clothes, clothing, piece/item of clothing, garment … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
clothes — n. 1) to change; put on; take off; wear clothes 2) to launder, wash clothes 3) night; summer; swaddling; winter clothes 4) new; old clothes 5) civilian clothes 6) in clothes (the soldier was in civilian clothes) * * * [kləʊ(ð)z] old clothes put… … Combinatory dictionary