
/kleuh vear", klav"ee euhr, klay"vee-/, n.
the keyboard of a musical instrument.
[1700-10; < F: keyboard, in OF, keyholder, equiv. to L clavi(s) key + -ier -IER2]
clavierist, n.
/kleuh vear", klav"ee euhr, klay"vee-/, n.
any musical instrument having a keyboard, esp. a stringed keyboard instrument, as a harpsichord, clavichord, or piano.
Also, klavier.
[1835-45; < G Klavier < F clavier keyboard; see CLAVIER1]

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      any stringed keyboard musical instrument in Germany from the late 17th century. The harpsichord, the clavichord, and, later, the piano bore the name.

      The Anglicized form of the name is often used in English discussions of such instruments in German music. It is also used in place ofkeyboard.”

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  • clavier — [ klavje ] n. m. • 1419; « porte clés » XIIe; de clé 1 ♦ Ensemble des touches de certains instruments de musique (piano, clavecin, orgue, harmonium, certains accordéons, synthétiseurs, etc.), sur lesquelles on appuie les doigts pour obtenir les… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Clavier — Cla vi*er (? F. ?), n. [F., fr. L. clavis key.] (Mus.) The keyboard of an organ, pianoforte, or harmonium. [1913 Webster] Note: Clavier (?) is the German name for a pianoforte. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • clavier — 1708, keyboard, from Fr. clavier, originally a key bearer, from L. clavis key (see SLOT (Cf. slot) (2)). The French word also is the source of Ger. Klavier, Du. klavier, etc. The German word is the direct source of the name of the musical… …   Etymology dictionary

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  • clavier — [klə vir′; ] for 1 & 3, also [ klā′vē ər, klav′ē ər] n. [Fr, keyboard, orig., a key holder < L clavis, a key: see CLOSE2; CLAVIER sense 2 via Ger klavier] 1. the keyboard of an organ, harpsichord, piano, etc. 2. any stringed instrument that… …   English World dictionary

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