
clasher, n.clashingly, adv.
/klash/, v.i.
1. to make a loud, harsh noise: The gears of the old car clashed and grated.
2. to come together or collide, esp. noisily: The cymbals clashed.
3. to conflict; disagree: Their stories of the accident clashed completely.
4. (of juxtaposed colors) to be offensive to the eye.
5. to engage in a physical conflict or contest, as in a game or a battle (often fol. by with): The Yankees clash with the White Sox for the final game of the season.
6. to strike with a resounding or violent collision: He clashed his fist against the heavy door.
7. to produce (sound) by or as by collision: The tower bell clashed its mournful note.
8. a loud, harsh noise, as of a collision: The automobiles collided with a terrible clash.
9. a collision, esp. a noisy one.
10. a conflict; opposition, esp. of views or interests: a clash between nations.
11. a battle, fight, or skirmish: The clash between the border patrols left three men dead.
[1490-1500; b. CLAP1 and DASH1]
Syn. 1. clang, crash. 10. disagreement, altercation, dispute. See struggle.
Ant. 10. agreement, cooperation.

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