
/klair voy"euhns/, n.
1. the supernatural power of seeing objects or actions removed in space or time from natural viewing.
2. quick, intuitive knowledge of things and people; sagacity.
[1840-50; < F, equiv. to clairvoy(ant) CLAIRVOYANT + -ance -ANCE]
Syn. 2. intuition, penetration, discernment, vision.

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Frenchclear seeing

      knowledge of information not necessarily known to any other person, not obtained by ordinary channels of perceiving or reasoningthus a form of extrasensory perception (ESP). Spiritualists also use the term to mean seeing or hearing (clairaudience) the spirits of the dead that are said to surround the living. Research in parapsychologysuch as testing a subject's ability to predict the order of cards in a shuffled deckhas yet to provide conclusive support for the existence of clairvoyance.

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Universalium. 2010.

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