city manager

city manager
a person not publicly elected but appointed by a city council to manage a city.
[1910-15, Amer.]

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      principal executive and administrative officer of a municipality under a council-manager system of local government. Under such a form the voters elect only the city council, which appoints a city manager to administer municipal affairs under its supervision. The council acts only collectively, and its individual members, including the mayor, have no administrative functions. The city manager, subject to the general supervision of the council, is in full charge of the administration of municipal affairs. He prepares the budget, appoints and dismisses personnel, directs the work of municipal departments, and attends council meetings in which he presents recommendations on municipal business and usually takes an active part in the discussions.

      The council-manager plan was devised and first advocated in the United States by the National Short Ballot Organization, which proposed to improve local and state government by reducing the number of elected officials. In 1913 Dayton, Ohio, was the first large city to adopt the plan. It spread quickly after that as the plan was adopted in many cities in the United States and Canada as well as in Ireland, Norway, and Sweden.

      Advantages of the council-manager plan are said to be that it provides for a shorter ballot by reducing the number of elected officials; that it unifies authority and political responsibility in the council; that it centralizes administrative responsibility in an administrator appointed by the council; and that it reduces the number of patronage jobs. Some criticisms of the plan are that the city manager usually comes from outside the city and is therefore unfamiliar with the problems of the city; that it places too much power in the hands of one person; that it promotes a middle-class orientation to efficiency rather than to need; and that the purely bureaucratic administration of the city may be unresponsive to the demands and problems of the people.

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Universalium. 2010.

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