
circularity, circularness, n.circularly, adv.
/serr"kyeuh leuhr/, adj.
1. having the form of a circle; round: a circular tower.
2. of or pertaining to a circle: a circular plane.
3. moving in or forming a circle or a circuit: the circular rotation of the earth.
4. moving or occurring in a cycle or round: the circular succession of the seasons.
5. roundabout; indirect; circuitous: a circular route.
6. Logic. of or pertaining to reasoning in which the conclusion is ostensibly proved, but in actuality it or its equivalent has been assumed as a premise.
7. pertaining to a circle or set of persons.
8. (of a letter, memorandum, etc.) addressed to a number of persons or intended for general circulation.
9. a letter, advertisement, notice, or statement for circulation among the general public.
[1375-1425; late ME < L circularis, equiv. to circul(us) CIRCLE + -aris -AR1]
Syn. 9. handbill, flier, leaflet.

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